We’ve moved to medium.com/auctionity

We are still keeping you updated on Medium. The only difference is that there is a slight change of location

Domraider Team
1 min readJul 17, 2018


Dear community, we moved all our juicy and behind-the-scenes content to Medium.com/Auctionity as we want to keep you updated on the latest advancements of the Auctionity project the DomRaider team is building.

There, you will find the latest news, technical insights, commentary from our leading team, our Product Manager and much more. You can also subscribe to updates to always stay informed of our latest news.

➡️ Follow us on medium.com/auctionity and stay tuned.



Domraider Team

Account run by DomRaider Team for publishing stories about Auctionity, the Decentralized Blockchain Auctions in Real-Time • Follow https://medium.com/Auctionity