Sphere That Had Been In Twin Towers Plaza

Radical Muslims LOVE Donald Trump —He’s Doing Exactly What They Had Hoped For

Radical Muslims want to incite a full-scale Everyone-versus-Muslims war and to do that they need to provoke material attacks on and mistreatment of mainstream Muslims. Lucky for them Donald Trump is only too happy to oblige.

David Grace
3 min readDec 9, 2015


By David Grace (www.DavidGraceAuthor.com)

Why do radical Muslims murder innocent women and children? Are they maddened beasts?


Are they lunatic sadists?


They know what they’re doing is horrible, terrible and evil, but as the saying goes, you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. The innocents they slaughter are the eggs and starting a massive Muslims-versus-Everybody Else Holy War is the omelette. The attacks aren’t the holy war. The attacks are the provocations they hope will cause a reaction that will trigger the holy war.

From their point of view the Western world is the den of Satan and it is up to them to destroy it and bring it under God’s laws, as they see them.

To do that, to destroy the sinners and evict Satan, they must have an all-out war between the Muslim world and the non-Muslim world, a war they believe they will win because God is on their side.

Their big problem is, “How do we start that war?”

The Western World isn’t interested in having another world war, with anyone. Most Muslims aren’t interested in going to war with the rest of the world. So, how the hell are the radical Muslims going to get the wide-scale war they so desperately want? The war that they believe God wants?

By instituting so many savage atrocities that the other side, us, starts replying in kind. They plan to get their war by provoking us into saying, “Fuck it! Enough with these assholes. Time to take names and kick ass. Let’s make them wear a gold star. Let’s put them in detention camps. Let’s deport them. Let’s drop some really big bombs on Iran and Pakistan and lots of other places. Let’s kill a few million of these pricks and teach them not to screw with us!”

Once we start doing things like that the radical Muslims will say to all the other Muslims, “See what they’re like. Look at what they’re doing to innocent Muslims. They aren’t just after us. They’re after all of us. They hate all Muslims. They’re coming for all Muslims. You have no choice. In order to save your lives and those of your wives and children you must fight back. Grab your guns.”

It becomes like a nuclear reaction. A few of them kill a few of us. We go after a few more of them. They come after more of us. And so on. And so on. And so on. Until BOOOM, they get their Holy War.

In the 1960’s when racists burned down a Black church, Dr. Martin Luther King forbade anyone from responding in kind. No one was allowed to say, “Every time they burn one of our churches we will burn one of their churches.”

However bad you think race relations are today they would be a hundred times worse if Black people had responded with the “an eye for an eye” tactics that the radical Muslims hope to provoke from us.

I think they want to provoke exactly the actions that Donald Trump and his supporters are now advocating.

The radical Muslims have prayed to their God to give them a leader who will help them start their Holy War. I believe Donald Trump is answering those prayers.

— David Grace

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David Grace

Graduate of Stanford University & U.C. Berkeley Law School. Author of 16 novels and over 400 Medium columns on Economics, Politics, Law, Humor & Satire.