CRISP-DM: Business Understanding as the Foundation of Data Mining

Data Mastery Series — Episode 2: Business Understanding

Donato Story
3 min readJan 27, 2023


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CRISP-DM framework (Image by Author)

The Business Understanding phase of the CRISP-DM framework is the first step in any data mining project. It involves identifying the business problem and pain points, setting clear and specific goals, and assessing the available resources such as time, data, and team members. The main objective is to ensure that the project is aligned with the overall business strategy and is feasible to achieve the desired outcome. This phase also involves collaboration and communication with stakeholders from different departments to ensure the project is aligned with the overall business strategy.

1. Understanding business needs (Image by Author)

1. Understanding business needs:

  • Identifying the business problem and pain points is crucial in understanding the needs of a business. This includes analyzing potential sources of data and identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to measure success.
  • Setting clear and specific goals using the SMART criteria is essential to ensure that the project is aligned with the business objectives. This includes identifying metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the project.
  • Assessing available resources such as time, data, and team members is essential to ensure that the project is feasible. This includes identifying any potential roadblocks or limitations that may impact the project’s success.
  • Collaboration and communication are key in the business understanding process. It is essential to involve stakeholders from different departments and levels of the organization in order to ensure that the project is aligned with the overall business strategy.
2. Finding business needs (Image by Author)

2. Finding business needs

  • Benchmarking is an important step in identifying best practices and industry standards. This includes analyzing the performance of competitors and identifying areas where the business can improve.
  • Identifying opportunities for improving KPIs is essential to ensure that the project is aligned with the overall business strategy. This includes analyzing data to identify patterns and trends that can be used to drive business growth.
  • Gathering feedback from customers is an important step in understanding their needs and preferences. This includes analyzing customer reviews, surveys, and interviews to identify areas where the business can improve.

In the following section, I will showcase examples of projects my company has successfully implemented for our clients to demonstrate our expertise in data mining and business understanding.

Example of our successful projects for Machine Learning (Image by Author)

Example of our successful projects for Machine Learning Solutions include Customer Segmentation, Product Recommendation, Churn Prediction, and Time Series Forecasting. The key to success is not only completing each project individually, but also achieving the collective benefits of all projects. By leveraging the insights and outcomes of each project, we can help our clients to optimize their overall performance and achieve their business objectives. Additionally, we also offer Visual Analytics Consulting, where we work with our clients to identify and implement the most impactful analytics solutions for their specific needs.

Please feel free to contact me, I am willing to share and exchange on topics related to Data Science and Supply Chain.



Donato Story

Data Science Team Lead at Data Cafe, Project Manager (PMP #3563199), Black Belt-Lean Six Sigma certificate