Endorsing Nina Turner

Done Waiting
Done Waiting
Published in
Mar 24, 2021

Done Waiting has officially voted to endorse Senator Nina Turner.

Partnering directly with the Turner campaign, Done Waiting will utilize its people-powered army of over 400 volunteer interns to make over ten thousand phone calls for Senator Nina Turner per week.

Turner is the second congressional candidate to be endorsed since Done Waiting launched in September. Turner is running to represent Ohio’s 11th Congressional District after Marcia Fudge was appointed as the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Done Waiting will be supporting Turner’s campaign through the disruptive power of our youth-led phone bankers.

Done Waiting is a disruptive army of young people fighting to elect progressives and bend the establishment to the will of the people. For more information or press inquiries please contact alex@donewaiting.org or 609–577–8160



Done Waiting
Done Waiting

a disruptive army of young people fighting to elect progressives and bend the establishment to the will of the people. https://www.donewaiting.org