How is the Dongle Community uncensored?

Dongle Space
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2022

The Dongle Community is a decentralized version of Reddit. One of the features of the decentralization is that the Dongle Spaces are uncensored. But are they? If so, how?

When I say that the Dongle Spaces are uncensored, you might think that you can post anything on the Dongle Spaces. However, this is not true because the owners of the Space can vote to hide your content. Then, isn’t it another form of censorship? Can there be something like “complete uncensorship”?

In theory, complete uncensorship could be achieved if anyone can say about anything. However, you can quickly realize that this inevitably contradicts with other principles such as “no hate speech” or “no unwanted offensive, violent or sexual content.” Besides, is this what all of us really want? Most people would rather choose to let the company censor the content.

Complete uncensorship quickly contradicts with other social principles such as unwanted sexual content

Then, what is that we want when we say “uncensorship” criticizing the exisitng media such as Facebook or Reddit. In my opinion, it is the freedom to choose any kind of uncensorship or censorship. In the Dongle Space, it is up to the owners of the Dongle Space. For example, if they choose not to censor anything, that Space could be completely uncensored unless it calls for intervention from governmental authorities. Or if the Dongle Space is “Aww” Space, they can vote to remove anything related to cruelty to animals. If you don’t like the decision, then you can choose to leave the Space and create a new Space.

Dongle Spaces achieve “uncensorship” through the freedom to choose any kind of uncensorship or censorship

There are othere features of decentralization of social media including ownership or privacy, which are be covered in other articles.

**Dongle is decentralized social media featuring ownership, no censorship and privacy. If you would like to know more about it, check out the following:

Official Website:
Litepaper(easy version):

