Daily Bite- A light of fire

Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2021

Today’s chapter: Psalm 78

Today’s verse: Psalm 78:14

In the daytime also he led them with a cloud, and all the night with a light of fire.

God was a guide, a source of comfort, an ever-present protector and caring companion for the children of Israel as they journeyed from Egypt to the Promise Land.

He was their: source of sustenance, their deliverer, and their guide as He provided: food and water, a way of escape at the Red Sea, and an amazing navigation system through the wilderness.

Psalm 78:14 is a reminder that God will be with you in your moments of triumph and also during your night seasons.

Whatever situation you find yourself in, just allow God to lead you with a light of fire.

When you are going through a "night season" you don’t have to fear the dark. Turn to God and He will guide you with a light of fire.

While enduring your "night season" don’t allow harsh realities to make you grow cold. Turn to God and keep warm with His light of fire.

When you are experiencing dark trials and tests don’t worry about stumbling or falling. Turn to God and walk confidently in His light of fire.

When you are in your “night season” don’t worry about being alone. Know that God is there as your companion with His light of fire.

Don’t fear the darkness of your tests, don’t become cold by harsh realities, don’t worry about stumbling, and don’t ever think you are alone.

Be guided, be inspired, and be empowered by accepting the light of fire that God is using to lead you.



Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell

I'm Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell, a content writer who enjoys writing for my clients. I also pen inspiring devotionals, and lifestyle articles.