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Daily Bite-A New Season

Today’s chapter: Psalm 30

Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2021


Today’s verse: Psalm 30:5

For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Relationships have good times and bad times. Psalm 30 illustrates that David fully understood the dynamics of a relationship and the different seasons a relationship goes through.

David realized that while going through the bad times he had to look towards the future with much expectancy and hope. “…anger endureth but a moment…but joy cometh in the morning”

There may be seasons of intense emotions with: sadness, grief, bitterness and weeping. These seasons are very hard to endure and may take a toll on you and your spouse but they only last for a short time.

The good and bad times in a relationship may be compared to the seasons. The coolness of fall transitions into a frozen winter but spring brings renewed hope as the ice melts away and things begin to start anew.

New flowers blossom and fill the air with their perfume. Birds that migrated for winter fill the sky with life and chirping. The once frozen earth is recarpeted with lush green grass.

Spring buzzes with newness and life that replaces the frigid coldness of winter. This is the same way your relationship will ‘spring' into a new season.

The frigid coldness of negative emotions and painful realities will melt away. Joy, contentment and fulfilment will come in the morning and healing will take place.

Are you grieving because you lost a love one? Are you burdened by the poor life choices your children are making? Has illness stolen your joy? Are you quietly hurting from the chasm that now divides the once inseparable bond you shared with your spouse?

There is hope!

God turned David’s weeping into dancing and He will do the same thing for you. All your grief, hurt and burden will only endure for a night and joy will come in the morning.

Look to the future with great expectancy and hope. Your cold winter of grief will turn into a warm spring.
A new season is coming!



Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell

I'm Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell, a content writer who enjoys writing for my clients. I also pen inspiring devotionals, and lifestyle articles.