Daily Bite-Waiting

Today's chapter: Psalm 59

Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell
2 min readJun 3, 2021


Today's verse: Psalm 59:9

Because of his strength will I wait upon thee: for God is my defence.

David could have acted in a moment of impatience and risk facing the consequences of his weakness. He decided however, to wait on God in order to receive the strength and protection he needed.

Waiting on God means we are willing to exercise confidence in: His timing, His provision, and His protection.

His timing is perfect, His provision will be suited for the experiences and needs we have at the particular time we need them.

He will protect us from the things we think we want, the people we think we need, the circumstances we think are important and the places we think we ought to be.

He is an awesome source of strength and defence. Waiting on His timing, provision and protection will ensure that the strength and defence we need will be provided exactly when it is most needed.

As humans we may be impatient, weak, and susceptible to attacks that will weaken our spiritual defences. This is why it is important for us to wait on the Lord.

Wait on the Lord! Trust His timing, depend on His provision and enjoy His protection as He defends and strengthens you.



Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell

I'm Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell, a content writer who enjoys writing for my clients. I also pen inspiring devotionals, and lifestyle articles.