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Daily Bite-Pray Like Hannah

Today’s Chapter: Psalm 5

Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Today’s verse: Psalm 5:3

My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up.

The story of Hannah is a well known Bible story. After years of being unable to have a child Hannah became sad. She was tormented and wanted more than anything to have a child for her husband.

Hannah went to the Lord for help. She prayed and made a vow that if God granted her the blessing of having a child, she will give back the child to the Lord. Hannah’s prayer was no simple prayer. She emptied herself to the Lord.

In her response to Eli who saw her praying silently and mistook it for drunkenness she replied, “I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunken neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord”. (1 Samuel 1:15)

Hannah not only directed her prayer unto God, she looked up. When she was through praying her countenance changed, she ate and she was no longer sad. She prayed and she believed that her prayer will be answered. God answered her prayer and later she gave birth to her son Samuel.

We can learn from Hannah’s story not just that God can answer prayers, but that when we pray we should believe in what we pray for.

Whatever it is that you want as a woman, a mother or a wife pray for it. Pray for your children. Pray for your spouse, pray for your marriage, pray for God to rain down blessings upon you then claim those blessings the way you would claim a holiday bonus.

Do you have a special request for God today?

Let Him hear your voice in the morning, direct your prayer to Him and look up while you claim what you ask in faith.

Like Hannah when you receive your request you will rejoice, shout for joy and be joyful in the Lord.



Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell

I'm Donnaree Taylor-Mitchell, a content writer who enjoys writing for my clients. I also pen inspiring devotionals, and lifestyle articles.