Daily Post #517 On mindset

Donnie SC Lygonis
Donnie SC Lygonis
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2023

Life is life, it is what is is.

We play the cards we are dealt, and yes, a lot in life might be perceived to be unfair, cursed and not what you were hoping for.

You can’t choose what happens to you, the only choice you have is to decide on how you react to what happens to you.

That doesn’t mean I am advocating a “sit back and let life happen” mindset, that’s defeatist and borderline cowardly. Contrary I preach that it is your duty to yourself and the world around you to do your best and to try to make things better.

And stop complaining about your life being harder than other people’s, I meet people who have the “why does this always happen to ME?” mindset and find myself if not disgusted, then at least astounded by that way of seeing themselves as the center of the universe, and that their life would in any way be harder than other people’s.

For anyone born in the modern, developed world to a loving family and with water from a tap and electricity from two holes in the wall — don’t you realize that you are one of the most fortunate people ever to have been born on this planet?

Yes, life will be both easy and hard, you won’t get everything you wish for and no, things won’t always go your way. Tough.

Welcome to life. Embrace it, enjoy it through hardships as well as smooth sailings. Bitch and complain all you want when bad things happen, but get off your butt and do something about it the next day, you are only allowed to sulk for so long.

And when it gets really hard, and the darkness is all around, then dig deeper, really deep, because we all have a light within ourselves.

