Use a Donate Button to Accept Recurring Donations on Wix

Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2017

In order to ensure the security of donors and their information, Donorbox requires that donation forms only be embedded on websites that are SSL secure. Unfortunately, Wix, one of the most popular website builders out there, does not support SSL. As such, Donorbox users should not be embedding their recurring donation forms directly onto their Wix websites. However, Wix users can still use the Donorbox donate button in order to accept recurring donations on Wix, as it will direct donors to a secure hosted donation page. Here’s how:

Copy embed code for your Wix donation button

Go to your Donorbox dashboard and click “Donate Button” by the campaign you wish to link to.

You can customize the size and color of your donate button so that it better matches your logo and your website’s aesthetic. Once that’s done, copy the button embed code.

Set up your website to accept recurring donations

Now, head over to your website editor and find or create the page on which you wish to add your Wix donate button.

After naming your page, click the “Add” button on the left-hand sidebar (the plus-sign button) and drag the green “HTML Code” widget onto your page.

Paste your Wix donation button embed code in the appropriate text box. Once your code is pasted, your donate button itself should appear in the widget box.

Click the button at the top right of the screen to publish your page, and get ready to receive your Wix donations!

The donate button will direct you to a secure donation page such as the one below, allowing you to accept recurring donations on Wix despite their lack of SSL support.

Use your own donation button

If, despite our different options for customization, you do not want to use our donate button, feel free to use your own. To do so, go to your Donorbox dashboard and copy the URL for your secure donation page.

Then, go to your Wix website editor and, on the page on which you want to place your button, click the “Add” tab on the left-hand side bar. Under “Image,” click “My Image Uploads”.

Upload the image for your donate button and click “Add to Page”.

Click the link button above your donate button image.

In the new pop-up screen, select “Web Address” and paste the URL of your secure donation page. Click done, publish your updated website, and get ready to take in donations through your personal Wix donate button!




Get a fast donation checkout optimized for recurring donations. Start accepting donations in minutes. Free to use if you get less than $1k/mon.