In the News…

Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2018
Donr has been receiving some very positive press coverage around its Text Giving service, which was launched in early November 2018.

Donr recently launched its text-to-give service and, thanks in part to some really positive press coverage, more and more charities are finding out about our latest innovation and the opportunities it can afford them.

Launching a new service is always a challenge, especially in such a fast-moving marketplace as that of online technology. We can build it, we can really believe in it, but if nobody else knows about it, the benefits of innovation will never be enjoyed by the amount of people it was intended for.

At Donr, we have a great marketing team which we’re really proud of, but it’s always useful when third-party publications pick up on what we’re doing and tell their audiences about it. Thanks, then, to publications such as Finextra for its article of 8th November 2018, which includes a quotation from our CEO, Chris Newell, highlighting our desire to bring the newest innovations in charity giving to all organisations that would like to benefit from them, regardless of the size of that organisation:

‘We know that charities can raise a lot money from donations by text message,’ Chris said, ‘But most text giving platforms are either prohibitively expensive or don’t have the features that charities have come to expect, like higher donation amounts. We want to ensure that small to medium charities were also able to easily access the latest evolution of text giving.’

Thanks also to Charity Digital News for its article of 9th November 2018, which highlights Donr’s ability to process donations of up to £20 per transaction via our Text Giving service.

And, finally, thanks to UK Fundraising for its article of 14th November 2018, which points out Donr’s ability to allow charities to nominate real ‘from-the-dictionary’ words as their text-to-give keyword.

We’re always glad to chat with people about our products — whether they’re from a news publication, a charitable organisation, or a charity’s supporter — and would encourage anybody who’s interested to check out our website, look us up on our social media channels (links below) or to get in touch with us directly at our offices via or 0333 4444 111.

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Our pioneering mobile donation technology helps supporters donate to UK charities in just 15 seconds.