How To Start Your Fitness Journey

A beginners guide to creating a workout routine that’s enjoyable and sustainable

Vitana Monkam
Don’t Be Strangers
7 min readFeb 1, 2023


Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

I officially started my fitness journey at the beginning of December 2022, and although it’s only been a month since then, I already feel as though I’ve learned a lot.

Before I say anything else, let me just say that fitness and I have never been friends; if anything, we were closer to enemies. I hated working out, and I could never understand how people could be obsessed with going to the gym. Fast forward to one month later, and although I am far from being a “gym bro,” I’ve started to understand why people love going to the gym so much. It’s genuinely so much fun now which is something that I never thought I would ever say!

So how do you do it? How do you create a consistent gym routine that is enjoyable and sustainable?

1. Find a Variety

Find a variety of workouts that work for you! Starting a fitness journey is all about trial and error. In the beginning, you won’t know what you like, but as you continue to try new things, you’ll start to figure out what workouts work for you and what don’t. So don’t be afraid to try new things!

I used to think that HIIT workouts were the only way to lose weight. Then I watched more fitness videos and thought that weightlifting was the only way. This isn’t to say that you can’t achieve your goals with either or, it’s just to say that there isn’t just one way to go about achieving your goals. Trying out new workouts such as; cycling, kickboxing, pilates, hot yoga, weight lifting, and cardio helped me learn what I enjoy, what my body reacts the most to, and what I hate.

I really love cycling, running, lightweight training, and pilates, but I don’t enjoy kickboxing and hot yoga, and that’s okay! It’s all about slowly trying new things. Once you have a variety of workouts that you enjoy, then you can create a simple workout schedule in which you alternate all of your favorite workouts. I found that alternating workouts helps me stay consistent because I don’t feel bored, and when I do get bored, I try something new!

2. Determine your workout style

I purposely listed this after finding your variety because you can’t know what your workout style is if you haven’t tried different workouts. I found that I am more motivated to work out at a boutique fitness studio than I am at a big gym. Boutique fitness studios are smaller gyms that specialize in one or two fitness areas. I prefer a smaller gym atmosphere because it’s very personalized and friendly. Starting a fitness journey and going to a gym for the first time can be intimidating, which is why I recommend starting at a smaller gym where you can get to know the people, the managers, and the instructors, and they can get to know you. Honestly, nothing boosted my confidence and motivated me more than walking into my gym and being greeted by friendly familiar faces, and having wholesome conversations with the other members about our goals and progress. Unfortunately, you sometimes can’t get that kind of treatment at a big gym.

This isn’t to knock bigger gyms; there are so many benefits to going to a big gym. Bigger gyms might be the perfect place for you if you prefer to be left alone and if you aren’t necessarily looking to connect with people.

Perhaps you’re not a gym person at all and would prefer to do more at-home workouts. In which case, go for it! There are so many free workout videos on YouTube. And if you’re like me and like a more tailored fitness approach, you can always sign up for an online at-home workout program!

Whatever your fitness style may be, you won’t know until you try new things! And please give it time; I hated bigger gyms when I first started, but after a month of being at a small cycle studio, I’ve decided to start weight training at a bigger gym at least 2 times a week. Give it time, and don’t be afraid to try new things, workout styles, and gyms.

3. Look for the positives because motivation ain't it

Not gonna lie to you, everyone always says that motivation ain’t it, but I never truly believed it till I had no motivation to get up and work out, even now that I enjoy working out. Just because you enjoy it, doesn’t mean that it’s easy. There are hard days and tired days when you just don’t feel like working out. So when those days come, you can’t rely on motivation. BUT YOU CAN RELY ON CUTE WORKOUT SETS!! I am not lying to you when I say look for the positives because it’s honestly the only thing that’s going to keep you going when the going gets tough.

I love cycling, but I don’t want to wake up early just to go bike for 30 minutes. No, ma’am, I would rather be asleep, but I love putting on and buying cute workout sets. That has honestly been one of my biggest motivators for going to the gym. I am solely here for the outfits and the aesthetics. Another thing is that I don’t love weight training (my body does, but me, no, thank you, I’m okay) because it’s hard, but I’ve recently started weight training with my boyfriend, and that has been another motivator to keep going. Usually, after our workouts together, my boyfriend and I will get some Soylent (my current go-to protein drink) and spend some time together. I don’t love weight training, but I always look forward to our soylent hangouts afterward.

All that to say: look for the positives in working out, and if there aren’t any, create some. Maybe after a good workout, you go home and make yourself a matcha latte or a protein drink. Create a positive that works for you and makes you happy, and rely on those positives when your motivation runs out. And it will run out.

4. Understand that it will always be hard

There are no easy workouts, all workouts are challenging in some ways, and that’s the whole point. Workouts are supposed to push you and challenge you so that you can become stronger, I think that as a beginner and as someone who didn’t always enjoy fitness, this is one of the hardest things to wrap your head around. We all understand that working out is hard, but even though we understand this, we constantly look for ways to make working out easier, and it’s not supposed to be easy, it’s supposed to be hard. You can’t cheat your way through that process, but you can make the process more enjoyable. You can do this by looking for the positives and finding workouts that work for you and that make you feel good.

You won’t always love the process of working out, but you can love the protein drink that you make after that workout. You won’t always love weight training, but you can love how your body feels and looks the next day. These are the things that are going to make it easier for you to start and stay consistent on your journey.

5. Lose the goals

There is nothing more demotivating than having high expectations and not being able to meet them. I’ve attempted to start my fitness journey for a couple of years now, and I have “failed” every single time, except for this time. The biggest reason that I was able to “succeed” is the fact that I let go of my goal of losing weight. Sure, it’s great to have goals, and it’s even better to tailor your workout to those goals. But for me, and most beginners, focusing on HIIT workouts because they “make you lose weight” when you absolutely hate it is not a sustainable way of starting your journey. The best thing, and the thing that is bringing me the most joy and results, is losing the obsessive goals and focusing on the workouts that make me feel good and that my body reacts the most to. That is ultimately what is going to get you the most results and make it easier for you to stay consistent on your journey.

6. Find a Community

Find your people! When you start a journey by yourself with no support from the people around you, it can be lonely. And you can’t expect yourself to continue to work out if you have no motivation or drive behind it. Finding a community or even just a couple of workout buddies can make the process of starting so much easier!

I started my journey alone at my small gym, but after a week or so, I started putting myself out there and asking other members questions about fitness, I was surprised by the responses that I received. I was able to make friends there in a short amount of time. I found that the people that I once thought were intimidating were actually kind, open, and welcoming. They’re always willing to help new members, and they understand what it’s like to start from scratch. So don’t be afraid to speak up or ask questions, and don’t be afraid to mess up because we’ve all been there!

Starting a workout journey and staying consistent is hard, but remember that everyone has a day one and that you are not alone. There are plenty of kind and welcoming people that are ready and willing to help if you just reach out and ask.

I wish you the best of luck on your journey, and I hope that you found these tips helpful.

Comment down below where you are right now in your fitness journey! Are you on day one or day 230? Start the conversation in the comments.



Vitana Monkam
Don’t Be Strangers

I write about slow living, nutrition, wellness, and mindfulness.