TryHackMe: Network Services Room Writeup

don’t code me on that
9 min readNov 20, 2020


The room: Learn about, then enumerate and exploit a variety of network services and misconfigurations.

Task 2: Understanding SMB

All the answers are found in the task description.

What does SMB stand for?

server message block

What type of protocol is SMB?


What do clients connect to servers using?


What systems does Samba run on?


Task 3: Enumerating SMB

From this task on is where the fun starts! First, let’s setup the env var to make the following commands easier.

export ip= # change it to your target machine's ip

Conduct an nmap scan of your choosing, How many ports are open?

Let’s run an nmap scan. As a reminder, these are what the flags mean:

  • -sV: service/version scan
  • --script vuln: run a script scan with the vuln scripts.
  • -oN nmap-$ip.out: output in normal format to the file
nmap -sV --script vuln -oN nmap-$ip.out $ip

Now to check for open ports from the scan results.

cat nmap-$ip.out | grep open



don’t code me on that

Security engineer and new dad in Japan. I've learnt a lot from the community, so I hope to contribute back. I write technical articles and how-to guides.