
Stefan Leon
Sleeping Less
Published in
1 min readJan 30, 2020

The other day I tweeted out the following:

everything is an iteration — it’s not about immediately getting it right, but trusting the process.

patience and lightheartedness are our main allies in life.

Allow yourself to be imperfect. It’ll make you human.

Humans are pretty good at critiquing things and others.

And for many of us, especially those of us with good taste, we are pretty good at critiquing ourselves.

Too good, in fact.

We notice the gap between what is and what we want things to be, be it ourselves or others.

And we want that gap to close immediately.

Any new project you start is an ugly baby and, usually, we’re the first to recognize it.

But we throw the baby out with the bathwater, confusing the outcome with the process.

No one on Earth is perfect. and no one’s shit smells like roses.

Be patient with yourself, your projects, and others, to not be where you’d like them all to be.

You missing a shot, messing up, or failing to execute as you envisioned does not mean you are not capable.

It just means you’re on your way.

//// Stefan

