Lighthouse Case Study —

Improving Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO for My Personal Website

Clebson Augusto Fonseca
Don’t Stop Me Now
3 min readApr 23, 2023


Screenshot lighthouse

Some time ago, I was working on improving my personal branding, and my first goal was to improve the SEO of my webpage where I talk about myself, and I finally achieved a perfect score of 100 in Lighthouse. So today, I’m here to share a little about my experience and how I achieved the 100 status. This article is not intended to be a tutorial, on the contrary, it’s more to encourage you to research what’s written here.

First step — Accessibility

The first and most challenging step for me was working on accessibility, but it was interesting to revisit some concepts that I used to teach to my students.

Working on real-world use cases for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) was a bit complex. Our natural question is, “When should we use ARIA?” For me, after this experience, it became simpler. We should use ARIA when we have a non-semantic component. For example, a progress bar created using a div is not very semantic, so we need to make it accessible with ARIA attributes.

After finishing writing ARIA attributes for some components, I could finally move on to a point that I was lacking in my projects, which was alternative text for images, and that’s how I finally achieved a score of 100 in accessibility.

Second step — Best practices

As my website was relatively simple, the “Best practices” score was already high from the beginning. To reach 100%, I only needed to make some simple configurations, such as enabling Strict-Transport-Security header, using a Canonical Tag, and not using target=”_blank” without rel=”noopener”.

Third step — SEO

The third and final step I took was by far the most important for my goal of ranking on Google: SEO. This was the most challenging part to achieve the 100% status. Interestingly, all the previous steps helped improve the SEO, such as the alternative texts for images. So once I started optimizing the SEO, I had to focus on some concepts:

  • Distributing the most common keywords across important HTML tags (h1, title, meta description). This helped search engines properly identify the topic of each page.
  • Using meta tags for various social media platforms (Open Graph Protocol).
  • Using structured data (JSON-LD).
  • Having a concise meta description.

And finally, I achieved the long-awaited 100 status in SEO!

Article originally written in Portuguese and translated into English, available at:

Thanks for reading!

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Clebson Augusto Fonseca
Don’t Stop Me Now

A developer with a passion for writing about satire, trash movies, software engineering, investments, travel, and worldviews.