Making a Name for Myself — The “not-com” Diet That Changed My Business

Ron Betta
Donuts Domains
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2015

The smell of tuna and onions wafted across her desk. My high school guidance counselor, a nun, chewed her lunch as I sat in her office. It was just weeks before graduation. I could not help but stare at the glob of mayo that hung off her lip as she told me I was “only average”. She said I would likely “not amount to more than a cop or firefighter” and suggested I not attempt college. I reflected on her words when I received my Bachelors. I remembered them when my name appeared in the credits of the six Disney films I worked on. I remembered her words when I decided to change careers and get into fitness. Words are very important. Words can make or break your day. They can motivate you or, if you allow them, drag you down. As a business owner, the words I use with my clients and customers is crucial to my success.

Last year, I opened my first business, a boutique personal training studio in Orlando, Florida. Home to Disney World and theme parks that directly impacted my decision to name the studio Art of Fitness. Here, my clients should feel like the masterpieces we see in them. Here, we elevate the science of fitness to an art. That is how I position my brand.

When it came time to build a web presence, the obvious choice was going to end in a dot-com, or so I thought. Yet when appeared as an option, I immediately knew that I needed to get it. The idea of a “not-com” website was intriguing. I allowed me to be different, simple and unique.

Having something different not only positions me differently in the mind of the client, it allows me another place to enter into a conversation with them. When I hand them my card, it allows me to stay with them just a moment longer and tell them a little about our website.

We’ve been open nearly one year and I have noticed three immediate benefits from a streamlined “not-com” website:

1. It’s Simple — Our clients have hired us to provide information in simple, easy to digest bits. They want to get as healthy and sexy as quickly as possible. We provide complex information in ways that are easy to understand and incorporate into their life. A streamlined domain name shows congruency in my business model and supports my overall vision of the studio. Clients get to participate in a great studio with excellent information that’s provided simplistically. My easy to remember, shortened domain gives me that.

2. It’s a Story — Story is important in business. Each client of ours has their own story. Each business has a story. allows me to carry our story further — to show clients that even our website plays a part in the culture I am creating. When we explain to clients and guests “even our website is on a diet”, they laugh. It may seem silly, but I can assure you, it’s memorable. If I care enough to pay attention to this simple detail, can you imagine how I strive to treat our clients?

3. It’s Unique — Because we are a boutique studio, we know our clients well. When we share our “not-com” domain, they want to know more and visit it simply because it’s different. My business is not quite a year old. I face competition from big gyms and smaller existing businesses. A unique domain isn’t the only way I am different, but it certainly helps. Other business owners have expressed interest because it’s cutting edge, adding to the credibility and professionalism of Art of Fitness.

The “not-com” trend is growing as business of all sizes see benefits that further distinguish them from the competition. It’s a new, relevant way to position yourself in your own, unique way in the mind of your customers.

