On art, audiences, and authenticity

Spencer Schoeben
doodles & deliberations
1 min readMay 6, 2015


I often start writing before I know what I am trying to say. This is how I end up creating my best work. But it can also lead to rambling. And to a mashup of thoughts of varying degrees of merit.

I could delete some stuff. Maybe that way more people would read to the end. People are lazy these days and don’t read things. But I don’t want to pander to those fools. It’s authentic how it is. Some parts are better than others. But the less interesting stuff gives it rhythm and tempo. It can’t all be perfect. The only reason I’d remove shit would be to increase the number of readers. But it’s dishonest to optimized for virality. That’s not what I’m about.

Artists are often misunderstood for years before people finally understand them. If they try to adapt to their audience from the get go, they’d lose the sense of artistic expression. And creativity. And ownership of their work.

It would no longer be theirs. It would be society’s. No one’s.

And that would be sad.



Spencer Schoeben
doodles & deliberations

Learning by doing. A cyberspace nomad on a never ending adventure to determine the purpose of existence. Architect of experiences, writer of thoughts.