Psychology in Digital Marketing

Alex Ponce Díaz
Dool Creative Agency
5 min readDec 8, 2022


Psychology is a fascinating field of study with implications for everything from marketing to politics. In this article, we’ll explore some of the key concepts in psychology and how they apply to digital marketing.

Psychology has been used in marketing since the early 20th century, but it’s not just a tool for understanding how people make decisions. Psychology is also a field of study that attempts to understand how people think. And while this can be useful information for marketers, there are some key takeaways from psychology that apply specifically to digital marketing:

  • People respond differently depending on whether they’re faced with an interpersonal or impersonal situation — which makes sense when you consider that most people spend their time online interacting with others rather than doing things alone or by themselves (like reading news articles).
  • The same principles apply across cultures: If you want your ads’ impact to be more significant than average, look into cultural differences between where your customers live and what types of messages resonate best with them locally.

For marketers, the basic premise of psychology is understanding how to manipulate the user into making a purchase



Alex Ponce Díaz
Dool Creative Agency

Interior Architect. Graphic & Web. UI/UX Designer. Psychology & Neuroscience, University of Greenwich, UK. Executive Creative Director at Dool Creative Agency.