The Great Wall of Text

DOOMbot Blog
Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2023

Needed a place to keep track of all my threads.

And this post is even longer than my threads.


Divided up into sections to make this (. . . somewhat?) easier for you to navigate!

Market Strategy

Encouraging a hold for DeGods before $DUST staking went live in Feb 2022.

This . . . worked out.

Leading to the GOAT flex by yours truly.

How I navigate the NFT market by finding true value being created that doesn’t sync up with market price.

Viewing L’s as tax write-off W’s.

(Not financial advice of course, and make sure you consult a professional before making any tax based decisions in these markets.)

How and why I timed my first DeGods sale in the 400 SOL range after patiently holding from 2021’s lows.

Emulating the Anderson Silva strategy: force nothing, protect yourself from damage, strike at the right opportunity.

Why and how I quit actively trading the NFT market in order to make bigger profits.

My best play of 2022: sitting out the Okay Bears euphoric run up.

A story from a poker game illustrating how I approach these markets: sticking to my game plan and protecting my capital (even when others go full tilt).

How to spot warning signs from altcoin picks.

Why utility projects can be excellent picks vs. “brand” plays.
Note: I no longer hold many of these projects, but the thesis on why it works and how to manage the strategy works the same.

Sticking to the fundamentals of value and ignoring the noise.

Technical Analysis can help with NFT markets when it comes to smaller, short-term price movements. But fundamentals drive the project’s value in the long run.

The DeGods price chart as one example:

One more from Anybodies:

Funny Stuff!

The epic tale of Trizzy: a fifteen year old who spent his days in the DeGods Discord, dreaming of someday owning a DeGod. He wanted nothing more out of life than to join our elite group, was intent on grinding up the ladder, and swore he would never leave once he got there.

The community pulled together the funds to generously grant our enthusiastic fan the gift of a lifetime . . . which he then floored within a week.

(Citing his background in stocks and investment money needed for a business idea. Or whatever.)

Ten things every man should know how to do before age 30

Decided to provide some entertainment as the DeGods community waited through a trademark DeLay for our secret announcement — which would end up being the Killer 3’s basketball team in the Big3.

(BTW would still like those samurai swords if at all possible pls)

I seriously want someone to create art for all these projects.

The artistic brilliance of the $FRONK team burning a SMB with the DAO allocation.

A crayon drawing explaining the up and down fluctuations of $DUST relative to its value.

Another crayon drawing explaining why the Anybodies Toys ‘R Us release is positioned to provide excellent ROI for holders.

Addressing Ye elephant in the room about how/why my people get the kinds of jobs we do.

Spoiler: We read.
One more spoiler: We are far too neurotic as a people to pull off anything close to a grand conspiracy of controlling the world.

NFT Projects

A retrospective on the value of $DUST emissions for DeGods holders.

Unequivocally, it was not “a Ponzi”. The team created true value out of the token.

Why the DeGods and y00ts Points systems are far better game design than the previous two iterations (#PHBT and $DUST)

What does DeLabs “build”? The same stuff as every other brand outside Web3. But they’re the first to bring it in here.

The value of IRL events.

Why I sold a DeGod to pick up four y00ts.

The massive upside potential for y00ts vs. DeGods.

What y00ts could look like as the bluechip focal point of a new ecosystem.

Using price history to predict a 100 SOL floor for y00ts on Day 1.

(Got it!)

Why I loved y00tlist (despite its flaws)

Top level thread on Anybodies and its upcoming releases for 2023 (including the Toys ‘R Us rollout)

Crypto Tokens

Following where the money and interest is going, even when you think the market is adopting inferior tech.

The importance of being ready to pivot off your thesis at all times.

Explaining my Dump and Jump™ crypto token bear market strategy.

(I guess that term isn’t gonna catch on, is it?)

Coming to terms with ETH beating out SOL in the next few years. Upside? The Flippening is truly upon us.

The pending Flippening isn’t just based on technical analysis: the fundamentals for ETH over BTC have never been stronger.

Bashing on Bitcoin

How Bitcoin zealots do anti-marketing for their beloved Holy Sacrament of Satoshi.

How Bitcoin maxi culture creates emotional responses of fear and pain.

Bitcoin is a religion.

Like literally checks every box.

Every box describing “faith” in the dictionary applies to Bitcoin’s current usefulness vs. what they project for the future.

The reality of Bitcoin’s fictional narrative of overthrowing governments and oppression.

A great mainstream story illustrating how bitter, toxic and hardline exclusionary the Bitcoin maxi community has become.

One of my monthly updates on how the top crypto meme coin (BTC) performed against the other three meme coins below it (DOGE, SHIB and ELON).

How about a Bitcoin lightbulb joke?

Macro Web3 Thoughts

My most popular thread to date: coming to the painful reality that the NFT market dynamics we knew are never coming back . . . ant why that’s a good thing in the long-run.

Being a reasonable grownup when it comes to crypto regulation.

How the Solana NFT community dropped the ball with growth potential in 2022.

The potential for Solana’s Saga phone to usher in mainstream adoption (and make our early bluechip NFTs Golden Age collectibles in the process).

Responding to the 34202384832409th time someone bashed on the DeGods team for delays to y00ts reveal. As in “A real company would never do this!”

Uhh . . . except they do it all the time. Or even worse, rush it out to the detriment of their communities.

Coping With Web3 Stress

My favorite psychology study, and how it applies to why some people in the Web3 space use the status of their PFP to act like dicks.

Crypto Twitter, by its very nature, is designed to make people in a silo fearful and detached from economic realities.

What Crypto Bros get wrong about the alpha male stereotype.

By the way . . . I think I’ve figured out why you do that.

How and why our emotional IQ can easily destroy opportunities for us in Web3.

Using Urkann’s notorious turn against DeGods as a lesson for how it’s normal in this space for all of us to to have moments of taking out our negative emotions in the wrong way.

Some comfort for those who were rejected for y00tlist. Helpful for any moment of “failure”, especially for us guys.

Hint: “Take it as a lesson” is important, but can also result in a shame spiral.

The fight over royalties as a microcosm of how extreme emotions can get in our space no matter what happens.

