If I Can’t Write It Down, How Can I Make It Happen?

Piotr Gaczkowski
DoomHammer Talks
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2018


“gray steel faucet” by Dan Watson on Unsplash

Where do you get your most brilliant ideas? When is it that your brain produces the best sentences for your next article? For many people, taking a shower acts as a catalyst. Their idea generator starts working hard culminating in a “Eureka!” moment. And while showering also gets my creative juices flowing, there are other activities that make me go with the creative flow.

I often catch myself totally absent and escaped into the world of my own thoughts. By far, my best escapes occur when brushing my teeth and shaving. Not only do I get ideas for my next articles when doing these two things, but entire sentences and structure come flowing out as if I had already had the whole piece fully shaped in my head. And when this happens, I feel no better words have ever come out of my mind. There’s only one problem.

As you can probably imagine, both brushing teeth and shaving make my hands rather busy so there’s no way to write those words down. And without writing them down, they leave me the moment I leave my bathroom. Sometimes even sooner. I really believe that “Write It Down, Make it Happen” is the way, but how can I write it down when my hands are occupied? And how do I remedy the fact that when my hands are no longer occupied, all of those thoughts are long gone?

This means that what you are reading right this moment is far less than what I am truly capable of. I could do better were it not for a toothbrush or a razor! I was thinking of maybe dictating everything that’s inside my head, but this could only help while shaving. Speaking with a toothbrush in my mouth wouldn’t be a good idea, I’m afraid. Besides, most of the time I either listen to my morning playlist or to Blinkist which would probably get in the way of recording.

So the question remains: how can I make sure I don’t lose any of my ideas and thoughts without compromising my morning grooming? Does anyone have a good answer to this question? Until I find a sensible solution, I’m afraid I’ll be forced to produce only mediocre content…

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Piotr Gaczkowski
DoomHammer Talks

Creator. Efficiency Hacker. Human Jukebox. Loves convenient tools and sharing knowledge. Resides at https://doomhammer.info/