Monthly Summary: December 2020

Piotr Gaczkowski
DoomHammer Talks
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2021


Gdańsk, but ✨festive✨; porter cordial; cocktails; 🎄trees 🎄 ;recording booth;

Personal Highlights

  • Got a nice surprise gift
  • Added my Codex Vitae to my Digital Garden
  • Tried new cocktails
  • Got some insights regarding tea promotion
  • Added cocktail recipes to my Digital Garden
  • Recorded and edited the first module of a new video course
  • Finished writing the last chapter of the book
  • Made a tasty teriyaki salmon
  • Started working with a new client
  • Met a fellow indie maker interested in music
  • Got new shirts from Ministry of Supply
  • Read quite a few books (good, but not great)
  • Went biking
  • Practised stoicism and creativity when a car got a flat tire
  • Got a green vinyl record with a great album
  • Got some rest
  • Made progress on building a recording booth at Gdańsk Shipyard (almost ready for recording!)
  • Continued a good streak with a newsletter
  • After two years of thinking about it, I decided to take a step and contacted a personal assitant for help
  • Started a Bit Better Club redesign with a new Newsletter Archive page


  • “1984” by George Orwell

Musical Highlights

The theme for the upcoming month


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Piotr Gaczkowski
DoomHammer Talks

Creator. Efficiency Hacker. Human Jukebox. Loves convenient tools and sharing knowledge. Resides at