My Journey Left

Piotr Gaczkowski
DoomHammer Talks
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2018


Photo by Simon Shim on Unsplash

I was browsing Quora searching for some inspiration when I stumbled upon an interesting idea. The question was “What is the best habit you’ve taken up from another person?” but instead of some well-known tips about the habits of high performers, one of the answers presented something unexpected.

It suggested one should try to brush teeth with the non-dominant hand. For the right-handed majority, this would mean using the left hand for the activity. At first, it seemed silly. Then I realized that during my parkour training we are instructed to alternate the leg we use to jump. It improves learning and reduces strain in the muscles.

I decided to give it a try. Better, I went further than that! From the moment I read this piece of advice I set on a challenge to both brush my teeth and comb my hair with my left hand.

Hair seemed to be pretty easy. Holding the comb felt a bit awkward, but the actual process went pretty smooth. But brushing teeth was a whole different story! I couldn’t even correctly grasp the toothbrush at first. When I finally held it, putting it into my mouth turned out to be another enormous effort. And when I started brushing… well, let’s say I’m very relieved I didn’t knock out any of my teeth. I believe I was very close! You see the parrot at the top of this post? I think that’s how I looked during my first try.

I’ve been following this strange resolution for almost a week now, and I’m beginning to see some improvements. Even though my morning grooming sessions take longer than they used to, I’ve gained some confidence. I no longer feel the threat of hurting myself, and I feel much more comfortable with a toothbrush in my left hand. Even though my journey has just begun, I wonder how it would feel after a month. Ambidexterity, here I come!

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Piotr Gaczkowski
DoomHammer Talks

Creator. Efficiency Hacker. Human Jukebox. Loves convenient tools and sharing knowledge. Resides at