tmux: Real Estate Agent for Your Computer

Piotr Gaczkowski
DoomHammer’s Toolbox
6 min readSep 29, 2018


“black laptop computer turned on” by Lewis Ngugi on Unsplash

This one’s technical. Don’t read it unless you know what a computer terminal is. But if you do, this can change your life!

What Can It Do For You?

How many terminal tabs do you open every day? Or maybe you use separate terminal windows? Are you sure you’re making the best use of the available space?

Even though our screens are getting bigger and denser, terminal applications don’t make the best use of it. Having your 4K monitor displaying nothing more than git log seems like a waste of space. Moreover, if you use your terminal you rarely have just one application open at a given time. You may be writing code in vim, compiling stuff, watching logs, downloading files with wget or testing an API with curl. Some of those applications are long-running, others are one-shot. But they all require a shell and some screen space.

If you ever wondered how to make more than one terminal application fit a screen elegantly, tmux may be a solution for some of your problems.

Why do I think tmux is better than having several terminal windows open? Simply:

  • you can have multiple terminal applications visible at once
  • you can arrange your applications however you like and they stay that way (unlike regular windows)



Piotr Gaczkowski
DoomHammer’s Toolbox

Creator. Efficiency Hacker. Human Jukebox. Loves convenient tools and sharing knowledge. Resides at