What is Public Transport Coverage (PTC)?

Penny Wongpaibool
door2door Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2017

To help us gain a deeper understanding of how public transport works, we’ve chosen a set of indicators that our research has shown to describe the Supply side of Public Transport (PT).

PTC is one of these indicators and is used to measure how far passengers can go using PT. The larger the area, the greater the PTC.

Area that can be covered by PT in 15 minutes.

How do we assess PTC?

Currently, in Insights we measure how much area (in km2) can be covered on PT in 15 minutes.

Using locations that are spaced 500m apart from each other, we measure how far these PT modes will take passengers in 15 minutes from the above mentioned PT stops.

What data do we use?

With GTFS provided by PT agencies, we are able to calculate the PT coverage.

The PT travel times are taken from a specific day and time. Currently, this is on Monday morning at 9:00 am.

Keep in mind…

If there aren’t any stops within a 15 minute walk, the area that will be measured is what can be reached in this 15 minute walk and the lowest score will be assigned to that location.

Conversely, areas with the largest PT coverage will be assigned the highest score.

This blog post is part of a series of articles that looks at how door2door’s Insights application evaluates Public Transport.

