ERAP Pennsylvania: Everything You Need to Know

Mel Anne
Published in
10 min readSep 15, 2023

Pennsylvania, like many states across the nation, has witnessed significant challenges in the rental market due to the unprecedented economic disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With tenants struggling to make rent payments and landlords juggling to balance their finances, the need for a comprehensive support system became paramount.

Enter the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) — the U.S.’s tailored response to these challenges of economic insecurity, offering rental and utility assistance to eligible households. Pennsylvania counties are included.

But what does ERAP mean for the Keystone State’s landlords and property managers?

With various phases, eligibility criteria, and guidelines, navigating ERAP can seem daunting.

This guide aims to demystify ERAP in Pennsylvania, offering a detailed look into its nuances and ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge to make the most of it. Whether you’re curious about its availability, tenant eligibility, or the difference between ERAP1 and ERAP2, we’ve got you covered.

Disclaimer: The information provided regarding the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is based on the current status as of the date of this publication. Given that ERAP is a funded program in response to COVID-19, its availability and specifics are subject to changes. Readers are strongly advised to consult their state’s housing department website or official channels to confirm if the program is still ongoing and to stay updated on any modifications.

How Does ERAP Work in Pennsylvania?

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) emerged as a beacon of hope amid the pandemic and people’s economic insecurity, aiming to alleviate some of the financial strains faced by renters and landlords alike.

But in the vast landscape of rental assistance programs, what makes Pennsylvania’s ERAP distinct? Let’s delve into its foundational aspects.

Origin and Purpose

ERAP in Pennsylvania was established in response to the growing economic challenges precipitated by the pandemic. Recognizing that both tenants and landlords were navigating tumultuous waters, the state tailored ERAP to address these unique challenges.

The primary goal? To ensure housing stability by assisting renters with their financial obligations (via rental and utility assistance) and, in turn, safeguarding landlords from potential revenue losses.

Funding and Allocation

Pennsylvania’s ERAP is fueled by federal funding, dispersed in different phases like ERAP1 and ERAP2.

The allocation methodology emphasizes reaching the most vulnerable, ensuring that both urban and rural communities receive adequate support. This targeted approach considers the varied economic conditions across Pennsylvania’s counties.

Program Specifics

While ERAP helps tenant households with financial assistance for rent and utilities at its core, Pennsylvania’s version also emphasizes collaboration. It encourages landlords to work directly with tenants and community-based organizations.

This holistic approach not only ensures swift assistance distribution but also fosters a sense of community resilience.

How It Stands Out

Pennsylvania’s ERAP is notable for its adaptive response. As the pandemic’s effects evolved, so did the program, ensuring that the state’s rental ecosystem remains robust.

Additionally, the state’s focus on transparent communication, with dedicated resources and portals for landlords and property managers, sets it apart.

In essence, ERAP in Pennsylvania isn’t just a financial assistance program; it’s a testament to the state’s commitment to housing stability, community engagement, and proactive adaptation in the face of unprecedented challenges.


The Emergency Rental Assistance Program, designed to address housing challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, has been implemented in phases, known as ERAP1 and ERAP2.

While they share a common objective, there are distinct differences between the two that landlords and property managers in Pennsylvania should be aware of.

Here’s a side-by-side comparison.

Funding Origin

  • ERAP1: This phase was funded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act passed in December 2020. It was the initial response to the pandemic’s housing challenges.
  • ERAP2: Realizing the persistent need for rental assistance, additional funding was allocated through the American Rescue Plan Act passed in March 2021.

Eligibility Criteria

  • ERAP1: Initially, the focus was primarily on households with income levels at or below 80% of the area median income (AMI) and those experiencing unemployment due to the pandemic.
  • ERAP2: While the income criteria remained, ERAP2 expanded its scope to potentially offer assistance to a broader range of households facing housing instability.

Duration of Assistance

  • ERAP1: The program initially provided assistance covering rent and utilities for up to 12 months.
  • ERAP2: Recognizing the prolonged economic impact of the pandemic, ERAP2 extended potential assistance durations, allowing for more months of coverage, though the exact duration might vary based on individual circumstances.

Assistance Priority

  • ERAP1: Priority was given to households with income levels at or below 50% of AMI and those unemployed for 90 days or more.
  • ERAP2: The prioritization nuances have evolved, considering both the broader scope of assistance and the shifting economic landscape.

Funds Allocation

  • ERAP1: Funds were distributed to states based on population metrics.
  • ERAP2: An adjusted allocation strategy was introduced, taking into account factors such as unemployment rates and housing needs, ensuring that areas hardest hit by the pandemic’s economic impact received adequate support.

Note that ERAP1 ended September 30, 2022 in Pennsylvania. ERAP2’s application portal is still active through COMPASS. For those in counties that do not use COMPASS, you should reach out to your local ERAP agency contact.

difference between erap1 and erap2

Who Is Eligible for ERAP in Pennsylvania?

The goal of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) in Pennsylvania is clear: to support those most affected by the economic repercussions of the pandemic. But how does this translate into actual eligibility criteria?

For landlords and property managers, understanding these parameters is essential to guide tenants and manage expectations.

Let’s break down the specifics.

  • Area Median Income (AMI): Eligibility largely hinges on the household income relative to the area’s median income. Typically, households earning up to 80% of the AMI are prioritized. This ensures that support reaches tenants facing the most significant financial challenges related to the pandemic.
  • Financial Hardship due to COVID-19: Directly or indirectly, tenants should demonstrate that they’ve faced financial hardships as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. This could range from job losses and reduced hours to unforeseen medical expenses.
  • Risk of Housing Instability: Proof of potential housing instability or homelessness is vital. This can be indicated by past-due rent notices, eviction notices, or even utility shut-off notices.
  • Renters, Not Homeowners: ERAP is designed to assist renters. Therefore, homeowners looking for mortgage assistance would need to explore other available programs.
  • Valid Residency: Tenants must be valid residents of Pennsylvania and can be asked to produce documentation (like a lease agreement) to verify their residency and rental obligations.
  • Priority Groups: Beyond the basic criteria, Pennsylvania’s ERAP often prioritizes applications based on certain vulnerabilities. This can include households with individuals over 60, those with young children, or families facing extreme rent burdens.

In summary, Pennsylvania’s ERAP is structured to offer support to those most in need. By staying informed of these eligibility criteria, landlords and property managers can play a pivotal role in ensuring that the intended benefits reach their rightful recipients.

How Do You Apply for ERAP in Pennsylvania?

While the specifics of the ERAP program application process might vary from one jurisdiction to another, in many states, including Pennsylvania, the Department of Human Services often plays a crucial role. Collaborating with other state agencies, the Department of Human Services can administer assistance to ensure the funds from ERAP reach the deserving households.

For landlords and property managers, understanding the application process for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) in Pennsylvania can be instrumental in ensuring timely assistance for eligible tenants.

The smoother the process, the faster you can navigate potential financial uncertainties.

1. Locate the Right Portal

Pennsylvania has set up dedicated portals for ERAP applications. Typically, each county may have its portal or designated application process. Ensure you’re directing your tenants to the appropriate online resource.

2. Gather Necessary Documentation

Before initiating the application, tenants will need the following:

  • Proof of income (recent pay stubs, unemployment documentation, etc.)
  • Evidence of financial hardship due to COVID-19
  • Rent agreement or lease documentation
  • Past-due rent or utility notices, if applicable

Landlords and property managers can help tenants gather this documentation so they can obtain their rental and utility assistance.

3. Fill Out the Application

Encourage your tenants to be thorough and accurate. Any discrepancies or missing information can lead to delays.

Again, as a landlord or property manager, be ready to verify details if required.

4. Landlord Participation

Besides the aforementioned times where a landlord or property manager’s input may be helpful, there are some instances during the ERAP application process when those parties’ input is actually required.

This might include validating the amount of past-due rent, providing payment details, or confirming the tenant’s residency.

5. Await Approval

Once submitted, applications undergo a review process. Priority might be given to those with greater vulnerabilities or urgent needs.

Ensure your tenant checks their application status regularly and responds promptly to any queries.

6. Receive Funds

Upon approval, the assistance funds are generally paid directly to landlords or property owners. Ensure you have provided accurate payment details to avoid any hitches.

7. Stay Updated

Given the dynamic nature of the pandemic and the economic landscape, the ERAP application process or guidelines might evolve.

Regularly visit Pennsylvania’s official ERAP website or trusted resources like the county ERAP office to stay abreast of any changes.

Tenant-Landlord Dynamics in ERAP Assistance

In the world of rental assistance, especially in programs like Pennsylvania’s ERAP, the dynamic between tenants and landlords transcends traditional roles. The emphasis is not merely on individual gain but collaborative success.

Let’s dive deeper into this relationship, understanding the vital role each party plays and the benefits of working in tandem.

Mutual Interests

At the heart of ERAP lies a simple truth: both tenants and landlords are navigating the same storm, albeit from different boats. While tenants seek to maintain a stable living environment, landlords aim for consistent rental income to manage their properties efficiently.

ERAP bridges these needs, creating a framework where mutual interests align.

Open Communication Channels

Landlords and property managers can take the lead in initiating conversations about ERAP.

Providing tenants with resources, understanding their challenges, and helping them navigate the application process can be immensely beneficial for both parties. Transparency can prevent misunderstandings and build trust.

Landlord’s Role in Applications

Beyond just being beneficiaries, landlords play an active role in the ERAP application process.

From verifying tenant details to confirming owed amounts, their involvement can often expedite the review process, ensuring quicker disbursements.

Collaborative Problem-Solving

Challenges might arise, be it missing documentation or application delays.

Instead of resorting to traditional measures, landlords can work collaboratively with tenants, seeking solutions that benefit both. This might include jointly contacting local community-based organizations for guidance or exploring alternative documentation.

Community Resilience

ERAP is not just about financial transactions; it’s about community resilience. Landlords and tenants working together can foster a sense of solidarity, ensuring that neighborhoods remain cohesive and supportive in these challenging times.

Additionally, there are many community-based organizations and human services you can turn to to help navigate ERAP. In Easton, for instance, the Easton Area Neighborhood Center has been instrumental in providing support, resources, and guidance to those navigating the program.

Leveraging such local organizations can help streamline the process, ensure you’re up-to-date with regional changes, and strengthen community ties.

Benefits of ERAP to Landlords and Property Managers

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) in Pennsylvania isn’t just a lifeline for tenants; it’s a game-changer for landlords and property managers as well.

By understanding the tangible and intangible benefits this program offers, property professionals can leverage ERAP to its full potential.

Here’s a closer look at these advantages:

  • Financial Stability: ERAP ensures landlords receive the rents owed to them, mitigating potential financial strain and maintaining the property’s fiscal health.
  • Reduced Evictions: With ERAP, the likelihood of evictions due to non-payment of rent diminishes, ensuring a more stable tenant base and reducing turnover costs.
  • Enhanced Tenant Relations: Actively participating in ERAP and guiding tenants through the process can foster stronger relationships. When tenants feel supported, they’re more likely to be cooperative and communicative, paving the way for a harmonious landlord-tenant relationship.
  • Community Standing: Landlords and property managers who take a proactive stance on ERAP can enhance their reputation within the community.
  • Reduced Administrative Strain: While ERAP might require initial involvement during the application phase, it reduces the long-term administrative strain. Fewer disputes over late payments, less time spent on eviction processes, and streamlined communication mean landlords and property managers can focus on other property management aspects.
  • Knowledgeable Decision Making: Being familiar with ERAP equips landlords with the knowledge to make informed decisions about rent adjustments, lease renewals, and property investments.


The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) in Pennsylvania, as we’ve delved into, is more than just a financial safety net for tenants. It’s a comprehensive framework designed to safeguard the interests of landlords and property managers, ensuring the stability and resilience of the housing ecosystem.

While challenges brought on by the pandemic have been manifold, programs like ERAP underscore the potential for collective, community-based solutions.

For landlords and property managers, the path forward is punctuated with both opportunity and responsibility.

Embracing ERAP not only mitigates immediate financial uncertainties but also lays the foundation for a brighter, more sustainable future in the realm of property management.

Moving forward, here are our top tips for landlords and property managers in these challenging times:

  • Proactive Approach: Don’t wait for tenants to approach you with their challenges. Initiate the conversation about ERAP, provide resources, and assist with the application process.
  • Collaborate: Remember, ERAP’s success lies in collaboration. Work closely with your tenants, offering support, understanding, and guidance throughout the application journey.
  • Stay Updated: The landscape of assistance programs, including ERAP, can be dynamic. Regularly visit official portals or trusted resources to stay informed about any updates or changes.
  • Foster Community: Engage with local community-based organizations and ensure that your properties and tenants are well-integrated into the larger community fabric.
  • Invest in Relationships: Use this opportunity to strengthen your relationships with tenants, building trust and mutual respect.

By staying informed, adopting a collaborative stance, and prioritizing community and relationships, landlords and property managers in Pennsylvania stand to gain immensely from this vital program.

