What Is ERAP? Everything to Know about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Mel Anne
Published in
11 min readSep 15, 2023

In the wake of COVID-19, the global rental landscape experienced a seismic shift. Millions of tenants found themselves facing financial difficulties, posing unprecedented challenges for landlords and property managers alike.

Amidst this chaos emerged the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).

Designed to mitigate the financial strain on both tenants and landlords, the Emergency Rental Assistance Program has swiftly become an essential component in the American housing conversation.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into the intricacies of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, exploring its implications for landlords, property managers, and even tenants.

So, whether you’re a landlord seeking clarity on what this program means for your rental income, a property manager looking to help your residents navigate this landscape, or a curious tenant wanting to understand more, we’ve got you covered.

Disclaimer: The information provided regarding the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is based on the current status as of the date of this publication. Given that ERAP is a funded program in response to COVID-19, its availability and specifics are subject to changes. Readers are strongly advised to consult their state’s housing department website or official channels to confirm if the program is still ongoing and to stay updated on any modifications.

What Is an ERAP?

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is a government-initiated relief program introduced in response to the financial repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. As tenants across the country grappled with job losses and reduced income, the ability to pay rent became a significant concern, leading to cascading effects on landlords and the housing market at large.

At its core, ERAP aims to do the following:

  • Provide Financial Support: It offers direct financial assistance to eligible households and tenants, ensuring that they can continue to pay their rent and utilities. This, in turn, assures landlords and property managers that they can maintain their properties and continue their businesses without heavy losses.
  • Mitigate Evictions: One of the primary goals of ERAP is to reduce the number of evictions due to financial hardships caused by the pandemic. By assisting tenants in making their rent payments, ERAP plays a crucial role in ensuring housing stability.
  • Bridge the Communication Gap: ERAP also serves as a medium for landlords and tenants to communicate more effectively. With clear guidelines and support structures in place, both parties can navigate the financial challenges of the pandemic collaboratively.
goals of erap

The Involvement of Community-Based Organizations

One of the unique features of the ERAP is its close collaboration with community-based organizations. These organizations play a pivotal role in ensuring that the benefits of ERAP reach the most vulnerable sections of society efficiently.

Community-based organizations are at the forefront of the ERAP program, assisting tenants in understanding their rights, helping them with application processes, and ensuring they meet the ERAP criteria. They serve as a bridge between the program’s federal intent and local implementation.

Funding Implications for the ERAP Program

Funding for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program primarily originates from federal sources, which are then distributed to states, U.S. territories, local governments, and tribal areas. These entities have the discretion to tailor the program to best fit the unique needs of their communities, ensuring that help reaches where it is needed most.

It’s essential to understand that the Emergency Rental Assistance Program is not a permanent fixture but a timely response to an unprecedented situation.

Its primary purpose is to cushion the blow of the pandemic on the rental market, ensuring that the foundational aspects of the housing ecosystem remain intact during these turbulent times.

For this reason, most states have actually closed their ERAP applications or have limited the rental assistance they provide. For example, the New York State ERAP program closed its application portal in January 2023, at which point it stopped taking new ERAP applicants and instead handled pending submitted applications only for a short while.

We’ll get more into which areas still have their emergency response assistance plan in place later.

First, however, we’ll talk about the different parties involves in the emergency rental assistance process: property managers and eligible households (tenants).

ERAP for Landlords and Property Managers: What Does It Mean?

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) isn’t just a lifeline for tenants; it’s equally pivotal for landlords, property managers, and even property owners. The cascading impact of unpaid rents can strain the very infrastructure of the housing market.

So, what does ERAP signify for those on the management side of the rental equation?

Preservation of Rental Income

Unpaid rents, especially when multiplied across multiple properties or units, can result in a significant financial shortfall. The Emergency Rental Assistance Program ensures that landlords, property managers, and property owners receive the rent they’re owed, preserving their primary revenue stream and mitigating the risk of financial insolvency.

Reduction in Evictions

Evicting a tenant is neither a pleasant nor a cost-effective process. Legal fees, unit turnovers, and potential vacancy periods can drain resources. With the Emergency Rental Assistance Program covering tenants’ rent dues, landlords can avoid the eviction process, which benefits both parties in the long run.

Enhanced Tenant-Landlord Relations

Financial strains can sour the relationship between tenants and landlords. By providing a buffer against these strains, the Emergency Rental Assistance Program can foster better communication and understanding.

Landlords who actively inform and assist their tenants in accessing ERAP benefits are likely to foster goodwill, which can result in longer tenures and reduced turnover.

Streamlined Application Assistance

Landlords and property managers have a unique vantage point, understanding the intricacies of lease agreements, rent ledgers, and other documentation. They can often expedite the rental assistance application process by proactively providing the necessary paperwork and collaborating with tenants.

Future-Proofing Investments

While the Emergency Rental Assistance Program is a response to the current pandemic, its implications might be long-lasting. By ensuring rental stability now, landlords, property managers, and property owners can safeguard their investments against future uncertainties.

Moreover, the program might set a precedent for potential similar future initiatives, so understanding and leveraging it now could be advantageous down the line.

Understanding the Limits

While the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is undeniably beneficial, it’s also essential for landlords and property managers to understand its limits.

The program covers a set amount of overdue rent, and in some cases, future rent. Staying informed about the specifics can help manage expectations and financial planning more effectively.

In essence, ERAP offers more than just financial relief; it provides stability, fosters collaboration, and ensures that the rental ecosystem remains resilient in the face of challenges. For landlords and property managers, embracing ERAP is not just about short-term gains but about ensuring the long-term viability of their operations.

The Tenant’s Perspective

While the primary audience of this guide is landlords and property managers, gaining insights into the tenant’s perspective can pave the way for smoother communication and a more harmonious landlord-tenant relationship.

Relief in Trying Times

The pandemic brought with it a whirlwind of challenges, from health concerns to economic uncertainties. For many tenants, the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is a much-needed respite, offering a chance to regain footing without the looming threat of eviction.

Overcoming Stigma and Hesitation

Financial hardships can carry a stigma. Some tenants might hesitate to approach their landlords with concerns about rent payment, fearing judgment or eviction.

By being aware of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, landlords can proactively offer a solution, bridging the gap and alleviating tenant anxieties.

Navigating the Application Maze

Government programs, with their myriad of requirements and paperwork, can be overwhelming. Many tenants might be unaware of ERAP or unsure about the application process.

Landlords and property managers who provide guidance or resources can make a significant difference, ensuring tenants can access the benefits they’re eligible for.

Future Planning and Stability

For tenants, the Emergency Rental Assistance Program isn’t just about immediate rent relief. It provides a window of stability, allowing them to plan for the future, be it seeking new employment opportunities, focusing on health, or even considering longer-term housing decisions.

Who is Eligible for ERAP?

Navigating the intricacies of a government program can often be daunting, making it challenging to identify eligible households. However, the ERAP was designed with clear-cut eligibility criteria to ensure that those in dire need can quickly access the assistance they require.

Note that while ERAP primarily targets low-income families, moderate-income households are not left behind. Moderate-income households, too, can benefit from the program, especially in areas where the cost of living is high. It’s a nod to the program’s comprehensive approach, ensuring that a broader segment of society gets the assistance they need.

Here’s a breakdown of the main eligibility requirements, both for landlords and tenants:

  • Financial Hardship due to COVID-19: The primary requirement for ERAP is evidence of financial hardship directly resulting from the pandemic. This could be in the form of job loss, reduced working hours, or even substantial medical expenses related to COVID-19.
  • Risk of Housing Instability or Homelessness: To qualify, tenants must demonstrate that they are at risk of homelessness or housing instability. This might be evidenced by overdue rent notices, eviction letters, or other related documents.
  • Income Threshold: The ERAP typically targets low and moderate-income households based on the area median income. Each state or local jurisdiction might have its own specific income limits, but generally, applicants must have a household income at or below 80% the area median income.
  • Priority Groups: While everyone who fits the above criteria can apply, some jurisdictions prioritize applications based on certain factors. For instance, households with an income below 50% of the area’s median or those with unemployed members for an extended period might be given preference.
erap eligibility requirements

For Landlords and Property Managers

While landlords don’t apply for ERAP in the traditional sense, they play a crucial role in the process. Landlords can often initiate the application on behalf of their tenants, especially if the tenants are unable or unwilling to do so.

If you’re a landlord or property manager working on an application for your tenants, here are steps to follow:

  • Provide Documentation: Proof of ownership, rent ledgers, and any lease agreements might be required.
  • Collaborate with Tenants: In cases where landlords initiate the process, they must inform their tenants and might need them to provide certain documentation or verifications.
  • Understand Payment Processes: Typically, the ERAP benefits are paid directly to landlords or utility companies on behalf of the tenant. However, if for some reason the landlord declines to participate, the funds can be granted directly to the tenant to settle their dues.

Understanding the eligibility criteria is pivotal for both landlords and tenants. It not only helps in streamlining the application process but also ensures that the much-needed assistance reaches those who genuinely require it.

What States Have ERAP?

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is a nationwide initiative, but its implementation varies from one jurisdiction to another.

While federal funds back the program, it’s up to individual states, U.S. territories, local governments, and tribal areas to manage and distribute these resources.

Here’s a brief overview of ERAP’s presence across states.

Nationwide Coverage

All 50 states received funding for ERAP. This means that irrespective of where a property is located in the U.S., there was version of ERAP available to assist tenants and landlords.

The key word here, however, is “was.” Unfortunately, the ERAP application portal closed for most states already, such as New York State. These are the states whose ERAP services are still available:

Note again that because this program is based on funding, availability is subject to change. For example, in the case of Arizona, the ERAP is only available for rental assistance; utilities are no longer covered.

Be sure to check with your state’s ERAP information to see what’s still available.

Varying Application Processes

While the core criteria for ERAP remain consistent nationally, the application process can differ slightly from one state to another. Each state has its portal or office dedicated to ERAP, ensuring that local nuances and needs are addressed.

Local Jurisdictions and Funding

In addition to state-managed programs, many counties and cities have their ERAP initiatives, especially in more populated areas. These local programs might have additional funds or specific criteria tailored to their community’s needs.

U.S. Territories and Tribal Areas

U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa, also had access to ERAP funds. Moreover, specific funds were allocated for tribal governments and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, recognizing the unique challenges these communities face.

Be sure to contact your area’s housing department to see if the ERAP portal is still open or learn about any changes to program rules in terms of eligibility.

Keeping Updated

Given that ERAP is a dynamic response to an ongoing situation, program details and available funds might change. It’s essential for landlords, property managers, and tenants to stay updated with both state and local ERAP portals to ensure they’re accessing the latest information.

State-Specific Benefits

Some states might offer benefits beyond the federal guidelines, depending on their budget and the level of need. For instance, certain states might cover a more extended period of unpaid rents or offer additional assistance types, such as relocation costs or housing counseling.

The Application Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you’re a landlord looking to assist a tenant or a tenant seeking assistance independently, understanding the ERAP application process is crucial.

This step-by-step guide aims to simplify the process, ensuring you can navigate it with confidence:

  1. Identify Your Relevant ERAP Office: For state-managed ERAPs, visit your state’s official website or housing department to find information on the ERAP application. For local or county-specific programs, refer to the respective local government or housing agency website.
  2. Gather Necessary Documentation: While specific requirements might vary, generally, you’d need proof of residence (e.g., lease agreement or utility bill), evidence of financial hardship due to COVID-19 (e.g., job termination letter, proof of reduced hours, or medical bills), income documentation (e.g., W-2, recent pay stubs, or tax returns), and overdue rent notices or documentation, if available.
  3. Begin the Online Application: Most states and localities offer an online portal for ERAP applications. Ensure you fill out all required fields and provide accurate information.
  4. Attach Required Documentation: Using the online portal, upload all the gathered documents. Ensure scans or photos of documents are clear and legible.
  5. Landlord Collaboration (if necessary): In some cases, landlords may need to provide additional documentation or confirm details. Collaborate closely to ensure all information is consistent and accurate.
  6. Review and Submit: Before hitting the submit button, double-check all information. Ensure that all required fields are completed and that the documentation attached matches the requirements.
  7. Monitor Your Application Status: Most ERAP portals offer a way to check the status of your application. Keep an eye on it and be ready to provide additional information if requested.
  8. Respond Promptly: If the ERAP office reaches out for further documentation or clarifications, respond as quickly as possible to prevent delays in processing.
  9. Payment Process: Once approved, payments are typically made directly to the landlord or utility companies. However, in cases where landlords do not participate, the assistance might be given directly to the tenant.
erap application process

From there, make sure to stay informed. ERAP guidelines or available funds might change over time. It’s essential to stay updated on any changes or new information, especially if you’re considering reapplying or seeking additional assistance.

Remember, while the ERAP application process is standardized to some extent, regional nuances can affect specific steps or requirements. Always refer to your local or state ERAP guidelines to ensure you’re on the right track.

