The Endless Bowl of Soup

Humberto Sánchez
Published in
5 min readNov 17, 2017

Knowing yourself is very important, knowing when you’re satisfied, knowing when you’re thirsty or even knowing when you need to rest. We have all heard someone who has said “I’m ok with just 2 Hot dogs” and we have grown up with the feeling of satisfaction being closely related with the things that we see..

This was the main reason why the Food and Brand Lab of Cornell University conducted an experiment with more than 50 people. They mixed regular bowls of soup, with bowls that had a secret hose that constantly filled the bowl with more soup. They named it “The Endless Bowl” experiment and the results were amazing:

  • The people with “The Endless Bowl” ate 74% more
  • They did not feel completely satisfied, a very common comment was “I do not feel full, I left half the soup”

And this, however strange it may sound is due to the fact that we associate our satisfied feelings with sight or what we see on the plate. How many times have we all heard our parents say “You can’t leave the table until you finish the dish” and however insignificant it may seem, WE HAVE BEEN MARKED FOR LIFE!

Not satisfying our desires is something that the biggest brands and companies in the world know very well and that is why we see everyday versions of this “endless bowl”. However, today these tactics are so well hidden that we do not see the small hose with which the soup is being filled, we do not realize that we have been “scrolling down” for 2 hours or more. When was the last time you got to the bottom of your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram news feed? There’s no way to satisfy our hunger for information.

According to a GlobalWebIndex study on average we spend 2 hours a day on digital platforms this means that in a year you can be connected for a full month, also 1 of every 4 minutes that we’re connected is for social networking.

Have you ever asked yourself, if it is worth investing so much time in social networks, possibly your work depends on this, but if not? How much time have you spent watching your Facebook feed and how much did you make? (talking about money), how much you have you earned by interacting with the platform and giving likes or shares?, how much have you earned by creating those posts that reach hundreds of likes?, how much money did you make by uploading that photo that you like on Instagram?, how much time have you spent just browsing memes on sites such a 9gag?

It’s time to place real value on everything you see and also on everything that you are forced to see, for example; companies like youtube appear to be free but force you to watch trailers and commercials before you can see what you really want to see. Thanks to all these companies that believe that they own your time, a great numbers of projects and decentralized models are born (like Basic Attention Token or Brave Browser) so you can be the owner of your time and if you invest your time watching something, you must be rewarded.

Introducing Dopameme

Dopameme is a decentralized social media platform where you can find the funniest content online, dopameme is built on top of the Ethereum Network, using smart contracts to make micro-transactions between the creator of the content and the people who are entertained by it and interact with it.

This is the way Dopameme monetizes, or even better TOKENIZED the common “Like” or as it is known in the platform “Cool”. Dopameme gives you tokens as an incentive which can be traded for Bitcoin/Ethereum by simply creating original memes. The platform works using two different ERC20 Tokens.

MTT- The meme tip token is given to users who create, comment and share content in the platform.

DMT- Dopameme Token is a shareholder token and it’s the main asset of the platform, users holding this token will have interesting perks and will share in the revenue from ads as the platform grows.

It’s time to get paid for your time and effort, as a matter of fact 9Gag it’s getting around 1.2M USD monthly just for showing other people’s content and original memes, also the meme creators on 9gag do not get a single dollar for what they provide for the platform. We believe that’s unacceptable, which was one of the main reasons for creating Dopameme, the perfect platform to spend your free time on and even get a couple of bucks for doing so.

Our journey began a year ago and now we’re proud to announce our Token Pre-Sale on November 21st, for more information visit our website, and we invite you to read our white paper.

Note: Please ignore any external links or twitter account.

One more thing

Join our Discord and ask us anything, also you can follow the project on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Welcome to Dopameme, the fun side of blockchain.

