is SOC 2 Type II Certified

Amar Jeer
3 min readDec 9, 2022


What is SOC 2?

SOC 2 is a type of audit performed by an independent third party that helps companies ensure they are meeting the necessary standards for protecting the security and confidentiality of their systems and data. These standards are designed to help organizations ensure that they have adequate controls in place to protect the data they collect and process.

This is especially important for organizations that provide services over the internet, such as cloud-based services. SOC 2 focuses on 5 key areas: Privacy, Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, and Confidentiality. SOC 2 Type II controls

Why Use SOC 2 Certified Products?

One of the main reasons is that these products have been independently audited by a third party, and have been found to meet the high standards set forth by SOC 2. This provides a level of assurance that the product is secure and will protect your customer data.

Another reason to use security products with SOC 2 certification is that it can help you meet your own compliance requirements. Many industries have specific regulations and standards that require organizations to implement certain controls to protect customer data. Using security products with SOC 2 certification can help you demonstrate to regulators that you are meeting these requirements.

SOC 2 Testing Method Example

It’s More Than Just a Checkbox ✅

While SOC 2 compliance is often seen as a “checkbox” that companies need to check in order to meet certain regulatory requirements, it is actually much more than that. As mentioned earlier, SOC 2 compliance is an indication that a company’s systems and data have been heavily assessed and found to meet specific security and privacy standards. This can help ensure that the company is not only taking the necessary steps to protect the security and confidentiality of its systems and data, but to also help reduce the risk of security breaches.

Additionally, achieving SOC 2 compliance can help build trust with customers and other stakeholders, as it shows that the company takes the protection of sensitive information seriously. So, while SOC 2 compliance is an important regulatory requirement, it is also a valuable way for companies to demonstrate their commitment to security and privacy.

SOC 2 Type II Certified ✈️ 🔒

For all of the aforementioned reasons, we could not be more excited to share that is officially SOC 2 Type II certified. This is a major milestone in our journey as a company because it proves that our patented fly-direct technology not only delivers a first-class end-user experience, but that we’re committed to the highest standard of security and privacy with our systems and data from day one.

Enjoy your direct flight over the internet knowing that you are not just secured, you’re SOC 2 certified secured with

