Introducing Transformers in’s Code Saga

Vamshi Bachaneboina
3 min readOct 17, 2023


Once upon a code time in, frontend components and backend data responses were like cats and dogs. Backend tossed over data as per its whims, while frontend caught it, often grumbling. They needed a mediator, a hero. Enter Optimus Prime, not with a cape, but with a knack for tuning data.

He eyed the code war, rolled up his sleeves, and whipped out his secret sauce: the Transformers layer. This wasn’t about morphing cars, but morphing data, right between the Service and Data layers.

Frontend Multilayers

Here is the sample code of how our Optimus implemented the Transformers layer:

Service Layer Code

Here, morphData was where Optimus performed his magic, turning grumpy backend data into happy frontend-friendly data. This happy data then trotted down to the Data layer, ready to play nice with the frontend components.

Data Layer

And thus, with a sprinkle of code magic, Optimus Prime bridged the backend-frontend feud, making data dance to the frontend’s tune. The Transformers layer became the playground where data shed its rigid backend cloak and donned a flexible frontend attire, ready to jive with the UI components.

Transformers with React Query

After the initial victory of architecting the Transformers Layer, Optimus Prime wasn’t just going to drop the mic. He knew there were smarter ways to conduct the data orchestra. His eyes gleamed as he stumbled upon React Query’s select. It was like finding a sharper, lighter sword.

As our’s code saga continued, a new frontier beckoned — the API Credentials screen. This was a realm where API keys were to be managed with finesse, and Optimus Prime saw select to shine in this case as Bumble Bee did this with SWG Analytics, Shadow IT and Policies.

Transform API Keys data

With morphCredentials, Optimus had crafted a spell to prep the data for the sorting and filtering jamboree that awaited on the API Credentials screen. The useCredentials hook was the chariot that bore this prepped data into the frontend realm.

Advantages with Decoupling

In the evolving digital landscape, data schemas are bound to change. However, with the Transformers layer in place, such changes don’t spell a code calamity at When a schema morphs, Optimus Prime simply fine-tunes the transformation logic within the Transformers layer, keeping the ripples away from the other frontend layers.

Reset Transformation Layer

This insulation ensures that the Presentation, Logical, and Service layers remain untouched, their tranquility undisturbed. The Transformers layer acts as a buffer, absorbing the schema shocks, and keeping the frontend codebase stable and serene.

