G’Introducing Competition

Sentient Speak
2 min readMar 8, 2023


Tell us… Who the Fu*k is Pablito Bars?

Who the Fu*k is Pablito Bars???

Read our story below and tell us who this reminds you of in the real world, (living or dead) and… WIN $25 $DDZ


We’ll pick our favourite answer on Monday and give the winner $25 $DDZ

Who the Fu*k is Pablito Bars???

Pablito Bars was born and raised in Colombia, where he grew up in poverty and witnessed first-hand the impact of the drug trade on his community. As a young man, he became involved in the drug trade, starting out as a low-level dealer and working his way up the ranks.

Pablito Bars was a shrewd businessman, with a keen understanding of the market and the supply chain. He saw the potential for profit in the drug trade and was determined to carve out his own piece of the pie.

Over time, Pablito Bars became one of the biggest drug dealers in Colombia, with a network of suppliers and dealers that spanned the entire country. He was known for his ruthlessness and his willingness to use violence to eliminate his rivals and protect his interests.

Despite his success, Pablito Bars knew that he needed to expand his operations beyond Colombia if he wanted to become the biggest drug dealer in the world. He began to look to other countries, exploring new markets and forging new alliances.

Eventually, Pablito Bars made his way to New York City, where he saw an opportunity to establish a foothold in the lucrative American market. He quickly set up shop, using his connections and his knowledge of the trade to build a vast network of suppliers and dealers.

Pablito Bars became the biggest drug dealer in the world, with operations that spanned multiple countries and generated billions of dollars in profit. He was feared and respected by those who knew him, a mastermind who had managed to stay one step ahead of law enforcement for years.

Today, Pablito Bars remains at large, still operating in the shadows, still expanding his empire. He is known as one of the most dangerous and powerful drug dealers in the world, a master of the trade who has managed to defy the odds and build an empire that is sure to endure for years to come.


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