Unveiling Our New Look: A Complete Rebrand of Doppler

Laney Fisher, Head of Design @ Doppler
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2024

Over the past several months, Doppler has been heads down working on an exciting rebrand. Today, we are thrilled to unveil our new look and announce the new era of secrets management.

With our rebrand, we hope to ignite excitement, maintain a high caliber of consistency, and inspire our users and the industry. As Brian, CEO of Doppler, has always said, Doppler’s goal is to bolster security while improving developer productivity, making “vegetables taste like candy.” We believe we now have a candy wrapper that truly represents the user’s experience: delightful, powerful, secure, and easy.

While Doppler has grown exponentially as a product over the past 5 years, the branding has ultimately stayed the same. We’ve gone from 600+ companies using Doppler to 40,000+, released groundbreaking features, and continued to improve our product with users as our highest priority. The amazing things we’ve been able to accomplish at Doppler are now represented by an amazing, unique, and meaningful brand.

Doppler has matured into a trustworthy industry leader, and we want to make sure our brand represents just that.

Some key points that initiated the rebrand:

  • Our previous brand lacked a meaningful story, which resulted in a disconnect between the brand and the product.
  • The brand guidelines we worked from were developed over time in a reactive frame of mind vs. proactive, resulting in inconsistency.
  • Our content didn’t reflect what Doppler has grown to become and where we are heading.
  • We lacked a connection to our target audience despite having passionate users in our product.

How did we do it?

Doppler couldn’t do this alone! We partnered with the incredible creative agency Fuzzco to help make our dreams a reality. We are honored to have worked alongside such a talented team that’s had experience working with some of our favorite brands like Figma and Notion. Alongside Fuzzco, internal Dopplerites from design, engineering, and product have all been an integral part of the process.

What did we do?

Working with Fuzzco, we started with defining a new brand narrative. That narrative guided the rest of the process and kept us focused on our goals: resonate with our users and represent the powerful offerings of Doppler. We went through several rounds of visual discovery until we found our direction.

Here is a brief overview of what we created together for this initiative:

  • A new brand narrative that represents Doppler’s core values
  • New messaging that speaks to our users
  • A new logo, color palette, style guide, and various design motifs
  • A new website, multiplying our old content by at least 2x with new pages highlighting solutions like leak prevention and breach remediation, and platform pages highlighting features like managing secrets and governing access
  • Foundations to set us up for success as we continue to grow

Our new identity


Doppler has taken what was once an antiquated, risky process and transformed it into an automated, secure one. With that in mind, our new logo is a modern take on the classic secret symbol: an asterisk. This mark provides a meaningful visual representation of Doppler: we secure your secrets. Simple as that. Paired with a modern yet evergreen type treatment, the logo sets the foundation for the remainder of the identity. We plan to leverage the logo in our product in the future, such as when secrets are masked in the editor.

Colors & Dark Mode

Our previous site and product lacked depth, dimension, excitement, and, most importantly, accessibility. With our fresh new color palette, we are setting ourselves apart from the predictable look and feel. We wanted to speak to our users and were inspired by terminal green and code syntax highlighting. These updated colors can now be seen in our product dashboard, including the highly requested launch of Dark Mode.

The Voronoi

Early on in the branding process, we were inspired by bringing a sense of fluidity to what is typically a very geometric, straight-edge security industry. We want to instill the idea that Doppler grows with you, forming to your team’s needs without losing the secure boundary we provide. Your teams and infrastructure grow and shrink. Companies are fluid and ever-changing. To represent these ideas, we’ve leaned into the Voronoi diagram. The Voronoi diagram is a type of pattern where shapes are created from points on a plane, never overlapping one another but maintaining connection on all edges. Similar to how a Voronoi diagram allocates space according to nearby points, secret management in DevOps safeguards sensitive data by tailoring access to suit the requirements of your projects, teams, and infrastructure, ensuring security with clear boundaries and no breaches. You’ll see various applications of the Voronoi pattern used throughout our site to help us communicate key themes.

Looking Ahead

While this has been a huge endeavor, we are excited that this is only the beginning of what is to come for Doppler this year and beyond. We are so grateful for our partnership with Fuzzco, our internal team of passionate Dopplerites, and, most importantly, you. Our users are what keep us going, and we can’t wait to continue growing with you and your team. Cheers to a brand new chapter!

