Dora Network Weekly Report 2018–11–19 to 2018–11–25

Tyler Kot
Dora Network
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2018

Summary for this week:

Improve browser display of node information, fix pipleline algorithm problems and thoughts on further improvement of performance.

  1. P²BFT Pipeline Algorithm
  • Fixed the problem of block data verification failure caused by the proposal initiated by the successor block when the predecessor block is not submitted;
  • Fixed the problem of state unsynchonization caused by the round state of the height +4 block not updated after the submission is completed;
  • Fixed the problem of missing tx in mempool;
  • Fixed a problem with the pipeline algorithm being stuck in 5 nodes.

2. Dora Network Browser

  • The block proposal is passed to the proxy app side through the ABCI and configured as coinable, so that the explorer displays the block node information;
  • Improved the explorer TPS display, dynamically retrieved the database content and updated the webpage data without refreshing the web page.

3. Research Sandbox Mechanism

  • A sandbox is an operating environment that limits access to system resources by applications;
  • Analyzed the sandbox mechanism implementation of JVM and EVM.

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Tyler Kot
Dora Network

COO of Dora Network, a highly parallelized, high performance public blockchain dedicated to the execution of dApps.