Start creating wealth in a sustainable way!

Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2018

During the last thousand years, our society developed a value system — regarding the prices of millions of goods and services we do have a clear idea. In developed countries, our work has a price tag, there is a price for health insurances and a price for education. The money we earn is what we can spend. We earn money because our companies are earning money too. The profits are measured by bookkeeping, documented in financial reports and lead to assets, nice balance sheets and a good credit rating. Based on the credit rating banks are creating new money and new production and investment capital for the companies. Now, even more people earn salary and pay their bills. If companies and their shareholders made enough money or if the employees earn more than what they spend for their life, we can even support undeveloped countries, make donations or invest in solutions for some major problems our planet is facing today.

There is nothing wrong about this kind of creating wealth. At least 2.5 billion people are having good living conditions, access to health care, food, luxury articles, education, entertainment and all kind of technology. Once a while we realize that economic profit as a basis of our economic system is a short-term value. Financial crises and the burst of bubbles are indicating the volatility of profit and the value system. Watching news, we recognize that most of the mentioned problems can’t be solved with short-term action or some payments. Even if we tried hard, during the past 50 years we were not able to solve huge problems like global poverty, inequality and environmental pollution — and we left almost 5 billion people behind.

After decades of thinking and talking about sustainability, we are still trying to correct the thousands of years old economic, profit driven system. We try to integrate sustainable values and targets in a system that is governed by profit and loss related bookkeeping, financial reporting and credit rating — but we did not even define a measurement unit for sustainable social impact. Instead of adjusting the old economic system, let’s talk about adding an additional one. An eco-system for sustainable behavior and business. The basis for reports, ratings and creditworthiness is positive, sustainable, social economic impact — measured and evaluated even more accurate than hardly definable profits. And if we measure and evaluate this value properly, it is a stable foundation for reports, ratings, and — finally — the creation of money. The new kind of money can be used to reward achieved social economic impact and to finance future social economic impact — and to create additional social economic capital.

The new social economic currency is backed by social economic impact (so called seipmpact). It is not related to profits or economic strength. For this, the currency is a perfect measurement unit for any kind of seimpact at the same time. Positive sustainable impacts become more comparable, they can be reported, rated and shown to everyone. Therefore, the new eco-system must create money in a transparent and democratic way, making sure that for any new created coin there is new created social economic impact packed and stamped on the coin. Blockchain Technology is offering a tool set for democratic voting, the storage and transaction of values and the creation of a transparent and secure currency system. With this tool set, a new value system, a community of people caring for sustainability and a new means of exchange and payment an additional eco-system — called DORIUM — gets installed, motivating sustainable behavior by rewarding it and enabling people to start sustainable business by financing it.

DORIUM is a community creating money to finance and reward social economic impact. The new currency — SoBz — is accepted by anyone who cares about sustainability and it is backed by social economic impact. Agreeing on the idea means to start thinking about governance, rules, development and implementation — and to start creating wealth in a sustainable way.

