Cosplay Truth or Dare with Moana and Boushh

Richard Mathis
Dork Side Cookies
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2017

This week we put up a couple more videos from Wondercon, namely one with Megan as Moana and Rebecca as Boushh (Princess Leia Bounty Hunter).

Megan as Moana cosplay

And here is Rebecca as Boushh

Boussh cosplay!

We’re releasing two Wondercon videos each week right now, and I’m not really sure if thats the best way to do things. We could have released all of them in the first two weeks after Wondercon, but then we wouldn’t release anything for a month until Lvl Up.

This is the sort of struggle a small YouTube channel has. We have lots of content, but we don’t want to overload people’s feeds and frustrate them (which would presumably have people unsubscribe from us). On the other hand, these people gave us time during Wondercon that they could have been at panels or whatever, and we want to get their content up as soon as possible.

Similarly with photos, we’ve been putting up 7–20 a week because we have over a hundred good photos from Wondercon and we want people to be able to see them as soon as possible.

I’ve talked to experts, read guides, tried to judge based on my own experiences as a viewer, and I still don’t know. I mean I “know” what the technical right answer is, but I haven’t heard back from viewers what they would prefer. So with that, I’d love to get some feedback on whether we should release these every couple hours for 2 weeks or does our regularly scheduled content work for you? Is there another option we haven’t considered? Write down below or contact us on Facebook, twitter, or YouTube!

SquirrelGirlLV was having a lot of fun in these videos, as can be seen here
We don’t need to use the microphone anymore, but I like the iconic look of her being a squirrel reporter
We’re going to bring an apple box to help Anna interview these taller cosplayers!
Goofing around in the videos

