Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2024


A fresh awakening: Vladyslav Balaban, a rising luminary in Web3, joins the Dormint advisory board!

We are excited to share that the founder of GT Protocol has recently joined the advisory board of Dormint! This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our journey as Vlad brings his expertise in market & launch, investor relations, and marketing to support Dormint on our mission to revolutionise the sleep tracking industry.

Vlad’s interest in Dormint stems from his personal experience as a regular user of sleep tracking apps. Witnessing the potential for AI driven solutions to optimize sleep quality and overall well-being, Vlad was immediately drawn to Dormint’s innovative approach. Vlad is an eager and experienced advisor ready to lend his insights and expertise to help shape Dormint’s strategy and drive innovation in HealthFi.

GT Protocol, under Vlad’s leadership, will extend support to Dormint through every stage of its development. GT Protocol, having been crowned as ChainGPT’s most successful launch, with a 27X token all-time high is a testament to their ability to execute and deliver results and we’re excited to have this level of expertise on our partnership board at Dormint.

Whilst GT Protocol, an all-in-one Web3 AI trading execution technology, may not have direct connections to sleep tracking or HealthFi, Vlad’s role as the founder allows him to bring valuable experience in building successful tech platforms and navigating the complexities of the startup journey. Drawing on his experience we will be supported throughout every stage of our development from pre-TGE planning to post TGE execution.

Furthermore, Dormint stands to benefit from access to Vlad’s extensive network of connections within the tech and blockchain industry and, though GT Protocols community may not directly overlap with Dormint’s target audience the principles of innovation, integrity and excellence that GT Protocol embodies are values that resonate across all sectors. By leveraging Vlad’s network, Dormint will gain access to valuable resources, partnerships, and opportunities for growth.

As Dormint prepares for its TGE and beyond, we are glad to receive dedicated support providing strategic guidance to help our team navigate challenges and seize opportunities. With Dormint’s groundbreaking, AI driven solutions and Vlad’s expertise in technology and entrepreneurship we’re certain we are one step closer to making a meaningful impact in the HealthFi space.

Together we will help shape the future of sleep tracking and HealthFi, driving innovation and empowering individuals to prioritize their health and well-being. We are extremely honoured to have Vlad as part of our journey and we look forward to the incredible achievements that lie ahead as we redefine what is possible in the realm of sleep technology.

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