Sleep Trackers: Friend or Foe?

Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2024

Ever feel like you’re counting sheep all night? Tons of people struggle with sleep these days, making them feel drained, grumpy, and unproductive. Sleep trackers, those cool wearable things or apps that watch your sleep, are super hot right now. But can checking your sleep score actually help you snooze more?

The answer is yes, sleep trackers can be a faithful sleep buddy, but with a few things to remember. Trackers show you how much sleep you’re getting, the different types of sleep you have (deep sleep, light sleep, and dream sleep!), and if anything wakes you up during the night. This info is like a secret weapon! Maybe that late-night coffee keeps you wide awake in the morning, or maybe looking at your phone before bed messes with your sleep cycle. Trackers can help you piece the puzzle together.

Once you know what’s going on, you can build a sleep routine that really rocks. This could mean going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, having a calming bedtime wind-down ritual, or making your bedroom a sleep haven. Sleep trackers can then be your partner-in-crime to see if these changes are working. Sticking to a good sleep plan can be tough, but seeing progress on your tracker can be a big win and motivate you knowing you have science on your side.

There’s a catch however: sleep trackers aren’t flawless. Sometimes they might not be totally right about your sleep stages, and stressing about your sleep score can actually make it harder to fall asleep.

So, what’s the conclusion? Sleep trackers can be a great tool to improve your sleep by helping you figure out your sleep patterns and make healthy changes. That’s exactly what we set as our main goal at Dormint. So ditch the restless nights and join the Dormint revolution. Join Beta, prioritise your sleep, and unlock a world of rewards — all whilst taking control of your health and well-being. Start dreaming of a brighter, healthier future, one restful night at a time, with Dormint!

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