DOS Network Caelus Mainnet Has Officially Launched

Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2020

Dear DOS Network supporters around the world,

We are excited to announce that DOS Network Caelus is now live on Ethereum Mainnet!

Caelus represents the god of the sky symbolizing hope and the future. Just as the goal of DOS Network, we hope that DOS Network will provide decentralized oracle services for the global blockchain ecosystem and promote the ecological development of blockchain as well as the large-scale popularization of decentralized applications in the future.

Since the launch of DOS Network in August 2018, community developers and users have been making significant efforts to improve the technical blueprint, accelerate the implementation of the decentralized oracle network, and actively expand the community. In the past year, from the initial conception to the testnet launch of each version, and finally to the launch of Caelus today, the tireless efforts and continuous support of community enthusiasts and developers are inevitable. We would like to express our sincere appreciation and hope that, with the solid technology of DOS Network as the cornerstone, we will endeavor to jointly reform and optimize the token economy and governance framework to achieve mutual benefit with all community supporters.

The birth of Caelus is an important milestone, and also heralds a new beginning of DOS Network. We will always maintain our original intention and achieve more milestones in the future.

The advantages of DOS Network mainnet are:

1. Decentralized and reliable: A trustworthy decentralized solution without single point of failure

2. Real-time verifiable results: Near real-time request fulfillment and on-chain verifiable response.

3. Compatible to heterogeneous: Support multiple blockchains and enable cross-chain interactions with simple and convenient interface integration operation

4. Secure and trustworthy: Verifiable Random Engine and advanced cryptographic signatures protect the network from Matthew effect and Sybil attacks

5. Scalable at a low cost: Data query throughput increase as more nodes join. Nodes complete the aggregation and achieve consensus off the chain, so network performance is not hindered by the transaction speed of the public chains, which greatly reducing the number of on-chain transactions and overhead

6. Crypto incentivized: Dynamic network incentivized by honest participation rewards. Economic theory mechanism makes the cost of attacks far greater than the benefits of that, significantly enhancing network security.

Double surprise — DOS Network explorer

DOS Network explorer is also officially live along with Caelus Mainnet. Please click the following link to visit the explorer:

Currently, the explorer supports login with Ethereum wallets and supports two languages, Chinese and English. Users can query all the available on-chain information according to the event, request ID, group number node address, etc. through the explorer; obtain the current annual interest rate, the total number of staking, the current price of DOS, specific event log and other data through the dashboard. Welcome to experience our explorer and we look forward to your valuable user feedback and improvement suggestions!

The DOS Network community will also announce the details of the staking function and user guide in the near future. Please stay tuned.

Future planning of DOS Network:

In the short-term, DOS Network community will continue to release more updates about Caelus in the next few weeks. At the same time, the community will announce collaboration plans to promote DeFi projects to utilize our oracle service and experience the excellent performance of the DOS Network.

In the long-term, as Caelus matures, DOS Network will serve a variety of DeFi projects and strive to inject new momentum into the crypto-economic ecology.

Stay tuned for the future of DOS Network!

DOS Network Community




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