DOS Network Mainnet Staking Function Officially Launched

Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2020

With the launch of Caelus Mainnet, staking as one of the main functions of the mainnet has attracted the attention of DOS Network community supporters around the world. At the same time, the staking ecosystem has gradually prospered in the blockchain industry.

Therefore, we are thrilled to announce that DOS Network staking function has officially launched.

“Mining” incentives

In the token economy model of DOS Network, 350 million (35% out of total) DOS tokens are reserved as mining incentives. For node operators, they will also “mine” DOS token from mining reserve at a determined return rate in addition to the normal processing fees they earn. For ordinary users, the staking reward (interest) can be obtained by delegating DOS tokens to the existing node operators in the network. The annual staking rewards decreases with more nodes joining the network and more tokens being staked and locked, as demonstrated in the table and graph below:

Mining incentive stops after the mining reserve is exhausted, which will roughly sustain ten years.

Requirements for being a node operator

1. Staking requirement

Stake at least 800,000 DOS tokens

2. Technical configuration requirements:

Single-core VPS with hard disk above 15GB and 1GB RAM is able to satisfy the requirements of being a node operator. (We will release the node operation tutorial soon, please stay tuned)

Staking tutorial

  • Click the following link to visit the staking website:
  • Connect to your MetaMask wallet (DOS Network explorer will support more ERC20 wallets soon. Please stay tuned)

The page shows all the existing nodes in the network, and users can see the corresponding information of each node:

  • Name
  • Node address
  • Status (Active or Inactive)
  • Self Staked (Amount of DOS tokens this node stakes by itself)
  • Delegated (Total amount of DOS tokens delegated to this node)
  • Commission (Percentage of rewards this node takes from rewards generated from other users’ delegation)
  • Uptime (Total active time of this node)
  • My Delegation (Amount of DOS tokens you have delegated to this node)

For users who want to become node operators:

  • Click the “Create a Node” button under the “Node List”
  • Fill in the required information in the form and submit

Notice: DropBurn is a staking incentive solution proposed to encourage more node operators to start and protect the DOS network. Each DropBurn token represents 10% of the staking requirements, and there will be a maximum number of DropBurn tokens (currently it is 3) that can “take effect” for a single node runner. Please check the following post for more information if interested:

For non-node users to participate in the staking:

  • Select the existing node you want to delegate, click the node address to enter the node details
  • On the page, you can check the number of DOS tokens you have delegated to this node, the number of DOS tokens that can be withdrawn and are being unbonded, as well as the number of staking rewards that can be withdrawn
  • Fill in delegate amount in the “Stake” on the right side of the page to stake
  • Click “Unbond” next to the “Stake” and fill in the unbond amount to unbond (Users may unbond at anytime but it takes 7 days before withdrawable)
  • Return to the staking homepage after the delegation, click the “ Only Show Nodes Related To Me” button to check the nodes that you have delegated your tokens to
  • Click the “My Account” on the menu bar to view the account balance, the total number of tokens you staked, the available staking rewards, the number of withdrawable tokens, and tokens that are being unbonded. Furthermore, the webpage also records the historical activity information to help users track the account updates

Any staking system, not only DOS Network, requires enough stakes to be locked, for both protocol security and network valuation. Through the staking incentive of 350 million (35% of the total) DOS tokens, we hope that we are able to guard the DOS Network with community enthusiasts and developers.

Node operators and token holders will provide DOS Network with a series of services including ecological maintenance, network operation and maintenance, voting and decision-making, and bear the important responsibility of DOS Network ecosystem construction and global blockchain value system improvement. Welcome everyone to join us!

DOS Network Community




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