DOS Network Monthly Report (July)

Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2019

Dear DOS Network supporters,

Welcome to our monthly project progress report from July 1st to July 31st!👏 Please follow our Twitter or Telegram announcement channel for latest updates of DOS Network and hope you enjoy it!

⚙️ Product and development

We have released #beta1.1 public testnet. Node runners with several technical backgrounds and feel comfortable with command line environment could fill in this form and follow the guidance here to start a testnet node. The new version #beta1.2 with more functions will be coming soon! Please stay tuned for our announcement.


  • Testnet network explorer is now live at Search by node addresses, event names, group ids, request ids and etc. to get a glimpse of what’s happening in the network.
  • Developing staking contracts and staking frontend.
  • Process for on-boarding more node runners, node software improvements, bugfixes, documentations, and so on.


  • Developing reverse-swap bridge from BEP2 to ERC20 token.
  • Binance DEX related: tools for trading competition, leaderboard, airdrop, etc.

🤝 New Partnership

  • DOS Network has officially entered Math Wallet, a multi-platform cross-chain wallet that supports 18 public chain ecosystems such as BinanceChain, EOS, TRX, BTC, ETH, Cosmos / IRISnet. All the DOS Network supporters can swap ERC20 DOS to BEP2 DOS and trade DOS/BNB pair directly using Math Wallet.
  • We’re reaching new partnerships. Please stay tuned for our announcement soon.

🙌 Events

  • DOS Network has received approval from all the @Binance_DEX validators and was officially listed on Binance DEX for a $DOS / $BNB pair on July, 8th, 2019, 6 PM (UTC+8). We are very glad to be part of the Binance Chain Ecosystem.
  • To celebrate the successful completion of DOS token issued on the Binance Chain and listed on the Binance DEX, DOS Network rolled out a “Rocket Program” on Binance DEX. The Rocket includes swapping rewards, trading competition, airdrops and so on. Check the blog for details:
  • DOS Network conducted a partnership airdrop to celebrate our partner Ultrain’s launch on Binance DEX. Thousands of users participate in the campaign and around 300 eligible participants received the rewards.
  • Except for the partnership airdrop, DOS Network conducted another 100,000 DOS airdrop in the Chinese community accumulating more than 2000+ new users.
  • Xiaohu Sun, DOS Network Business Development Manager, was invited to attend StakingCon event held by Odaily, a blockchain media for the exclusive strategic cooperation of the 36氪 Group, committed to helping the industry to develop and explore blockchains and BlockBeats which connects entrepreneurs, students with businesses and investors discovering the latest trends in Blockchain technologies.
  • Qi Wang, DOS Network COO & co-founder was invited to attend the “CRYPTO VALLEY” forum sharing his insights on DeFi and Facebook Libra.
  • DOS Network jointly launched the first interactive interview session — “DeFi the world series live AMA” with Hydro Protocol, Course Link and CHAINNEWS at the end of July. In the first session, we were honored to invite Seth Rubin, co-founder and CEO of MARKET Protocol and Anton Buenavista, core developer and ecosystem integration lead of Kyber Network to share their insights on DeFi derivatives with us.
  • To attract more users to participate in our various campaigns and bring more rewards to DOS Network supporters, we decided to make some major rule updates for our trading competition and add more lotteries as well as airdrops according to the community feedback.




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