DOS Network Monthly Report (September)

Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2019

Dear DOS Network supporters,

Welcome to our monthly project progress report from September 1st to September 30!👏 Please follow our Twitter or Telegram announcement channel for latest updates of DOS Network and hope you enjoy it!

⚙️ Engineering update

Node runners with several technical backgrounds and feeling comfortable with command line environment could fill in this form and follow the guidance here to start a testnet node.

  • Completed v1 payment contract.
  • Completed v1 staking / delegation contract.
  • Debugged several issues in group registration / de-registration process.
  • Experimented node grouping strategy to get rid of entering bootstrap stage.
  • Supported cgroup configuration to isolate resources and balance loads of ethereum light client and oracle node software.
  • Experimented connection strategy with local light client and Infura remote client.
  • Designing & developing “node list” and “operation history” frontend pages.
  • Planning alpha mainnet launch schedule.

🙌 Community Events

We were somewhat silent last month and there’s no much update on activities or events for September. Stay tuned for future activities and events, specifically related to the mainnet launch!

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