DOS Network + U Network: Boosting the Development of Decentralized UGC Platform

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2 min readAug 23, 2019

Dear DOS Network community,

We are thrilled to announce that DOS Network and U Network achieved strategic partnership! The two parties will cooperate jointly promoting the development of decentralized UGC platform and contribute to the prosperity of the blockchain economy.

Within the partnership, the community and applications on U Network will be able to utilize real-world data and computation power to satisfy their requirements. DOS Network can feed a considerable amount of real-world data to U Network in a timely, secure and reliable manner to help U Network successfully pave the way for a truly free market for content. With the support of U Network, DOS Network will receive significant assistance in overseas media, roadshows, etc. to promote the development of DOS Network overseas communities.

About U Network

U Network is a decentralized content asset storage, notarization, distribution, publishing, and valuation network based on the blockchain. Allowing every individual to transform their own digital content into assets within the U Network ecosystem. This, in turn, constructs a revitalized financial market for content; leading to the redistribution and optimization of the Internet value, owner autonomy and efficiency of the token economy. Lead the way towards a truly free market for content.

The main pain points of UGC platforms are: The transformation from creative content to assets, especially the distribution of benefits between platform and content producers; The discovery and collection of high-quality content. U Network is able to solve the pain points utilizing blockchain technology.

About DOS Network

DOS Network is a layer 2 chain-agnostic Decentralized Oracle Service network, providing real-time data feed and computation oracle solutions to multiple blockchains. It enables Dapps to fetch external data and execute complex computation through the decentralized off-chain network in a secure and efficient way, which will encourage more and more use cases to appear on the blockchain.

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