Introducing DOS Data Stream

Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2021

As we planned in DOS Network 2.0, we have accomplished a huge milestone and like to share it with our community. We’re excited to announce the launch of Data Stream Services powered by DOS Network.

DOS Data stream service has firstly launched on Huobi HecoChain mainnet, with five crypto assets supported initially: BTC/USD, ETH/USD, HT/USD, DOT/USD, DOS/USD. We are planning to expand the DOS Data Stream to other Evm Compatible blockchains, including but not limited to OKChain, Binance Smart Chain, and Ethereum.

Starting from major crypto assets’ price data from Coingecko, DOS Data Stream will add more high-quality data sources in the future, including US stock prices (e.g., TSLA, AMZN), commodities (e.g., Gold, Crude Oil), forex (e.g., Euro, CNY, Yen), etc. With secure and reliable data streams on-chain, smart contract developers and many DeFi products can benefit from DOS Data Stream, such as stablecoins, lending platforms, synthetic assets, derivatives, dex, and much more.

Stream data is guaranteed to be updated either every time window (e.g., 20 minutes) or when the data source’s latest information is beyond the predetermined threshold (e.g., ±0.5%) the last update, whichever happens first.

Stream data can be read by External Own Accounts (EOA) or freely consumed (through EVM call) by downstream smart contracts. To access the latest stream data in your smart contract, simply call `(uint price, uint timestamp) = stream.latestResult();`. A series of Time-Weighted-Average-Price (TWAP) data can also be easily fetched by calling `stream.TWAP1Hour()`. Any specific historical data point can be obtained, too, by calling `result(uint idx)`. Please read the documentation to learn usage and know more details.

The launch of DOS Network’s Oracle Infrastructure and Data Stream service will attract more developers and applications to be built within HecoChain’s high throughput and low-cost environment, broadening HecoChain’s application potential and strengthening both HecoChain and DOS Network’s ecosystem.




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