Introducing DOS Network 2.0

Published in
4 min readDec 22, 2020

Today we announce DOS Network 2.0, the most versatile and powerful oracle.

To our DOS Network partners and community, we thank you for your continued support and trust in our team, our product, and our vision. This year, DOS Network went live on mainnet, network staking saw remarkable contributions from investors, and the number of our customers and business partners skyrocketed.

Since September, the DOS Network team has been working in “stealth mode”, as we underwent significant organizational changes, consolidated customer requests, and revisited product priorities. We believe decentralized oracle services are here to stay, but this space is still in its infancy and its increasingly complex landscape presents us with countless opportunities to set ourselves apart from the competition.

After four months of intensive research, planning, development, and outreach, we have finished the DOS Network 2.0 proof-of-concept phase. “DOS 2.0 is a massive step toward our ultimate mission statement: providing the infrastructure for a secure, cost-effective, and versatile way to build Web3.” Chief Technology Officer Jerry Liu said. “I am proud to say that the team has worked extremely hard and the plan to execute our 2.0 vision is now in motion.”

What’s New in DOS Network 2.0

DOS Network 2.0 is the next iteration of our decentralized oracle service offering, which will bring a range of significant enhancements and cutting-edge features. Major planned upgrades and target milestones include:

  • Integration and support for Polkadot and Binance Smart Chain (BSC): As part of our team’s ongoing effort towards expanding our product and meeting the diverse needs of our customers, we conducted extensive research on market demands, architectural design, and technical feasibility of integrating Polkadot and BSC. In 2.0, DOS Network will be compatible with these mainstream blockchain networks, so that off-chain data can be connected to smart contracts on Polkadot parachains and BSC via 2.0. We are looking to share more information and documentation on this for developers soon.
  • DOS data stream: DOS 2.0 will come with a comprehensive, content-rich stream of data in a wide range of fields and formats, which will be publicly available to all dApp developers. This data stream product offering gives blockchain engineers building with DOS secure access to a myriad of tamper-proof, accurate off-chain data. Coupled with the aforementioned Polkadot and BSC support, innovation opportunities with the DOS data stream are countless.
  • Computing power oracle: As envisioned in our whitepaper, the ability to move user-defined, computation-intensive tasks off-chain is highly sought after. DOS 2.0 includes a proof-of-concept computing power oracle that intelligently moves expensive operations off-chain in a hybrid architecture and has the potential to supply unlimited computing power to existing blockchains. As a beta feature, computing power oracle is subject to more frequent, breaking updates, as we gather feedback and suggestions from our developer community.

2021 Roadmap

In 2020, DOS Network has taken strides to move our product from testnet to a full launch on the Ethereum mainnet. For next year and beyond, our development team envisages an even more jam-packed schedule to make DOS 2.0 a reality.

Q1 2021

  • DOS Network core functionality and the new DOS data stream will be deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) mainnet and Polkadot alpha testnet
  • Computing power oracle will be deployed on alpha testnet

Q2 2021

  • DOS Network will be expanded to another widely used EVM-compatible blockchain
  • DOS Network Launchpad (DOSPad) will go live to incubate more projects in the DOS Network ecosystem
  • Computing power oracle will be deployed on beta testnet

Q3 2021

  • All DOS Network functionality will be deployed on Polkadot beta testnet
  • The DOS Network Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DOSDAO) will be set up, which will govern the DOS Network foundation nodes and other decision-making processes

Q4 2021

  • Computing power oracle will be deployed on mainnet
  • All DOS Network functionality will be deployed on mainnet in Polkadot

DOS Network Team & Advisors Pledge to Lock Tokens for Another 6 Months

Originally, 200 million tokens (i.e. 20% of the total supply) reserved for the DOS Network team and advisors were to be unlocked starting January 2021. After careful deliberation and extensive discussions within the team and advisors, we are delighted to announce that we have pledged to lock our tokens for an additional six (6) months, meaning that these tokens are going to be locked until July 2021 and will be linearly released block-by-block within two years henceforth.

Our journey has only just begun with DOS Network 2.0 and we are tremendously grateful for the support from you, our amazing community. The decision to further lock team and advisor tokens is our collective commitment to the future of DOS Network.

Team Updates

We have re-assembled an even stronger team of blockchain builders, dreamers, and thinkers. Jian Wang has joined us as our new Chief Executive Officer and Stephen Leung is our new Chief Operating Officer. Our former Director of Product, Jerry Liu, has been promoted to the post of Chief Technology Officer, replacing Siyuan Hua, who is now a strategic advisor for DOS Network.

Furthermore, our marketing team has overhauled and will be rolling out our community growth and content creation strategy, with a strong emphasis on ensuring a steady flow of communication to our community. Our vision is one of active community engagement and participation, and we want to make sure that there is maximum visibility on our project development process, partnership initiatives, and other major updates.

DOS Foundation Development Grants

Speaking of engagement and participation, we are extremely excited to unveil the DOS Foundation Development Grants, worth $500,000 in total. These grants aim to accelerate DOS Network 2.0 adoption, as we encourage our partners, potential customers, and blockchain enthusiasts to integrate DOS into their applications. More details on these grants will be published in the coming weeks, and ideas, submissions, and feedback are always welcome at

We hope you are as excited about DOS Network 2.0 as we are.




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