Official Partnership Announcement: Bondly and DOS Network

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2 min readSep 21, 2020

The DOS Network team is excited to announce that it has partnered up with Bondly (, the interoperable, transparent, and portable DeFi swap protocol designed to revolutionize traditional escrow methods and make everyone into their own digital marketplace.

Bondly will utilize DOS Network’s highly reliable and cost-effective oracle service to make DeFi OTC Trading, NFTs and digital goods easy for everyone, especially legacy marketplaces who are moving to buying and selling native digital products like domain names.

DOS and Bondly will work hand in hand to develop novel data feeds and products relating (but not limited) to the following key areas:

  • Price reference data for OTC trades (for both buyers and sellers)
  • Public domain registration data
  • Gaming platform asset transfer/ownership
  • Social media account valuation metric data

And many more…

Brandon Smith, Bondly’s CEO, looks forward to working with DOS Network to change how we think about selling digital goods. “When we think about scaling Bondly’s BPROTECT product to over $73.2B in unlisted digital assets,” said Smith. “The flexibility, cost effectiveness and scalability of DOS makes it easy for us to innovate quickly as new products emerge and NFT standards change.”

Smith also believes that DOS Network and Bondly’s partnership can be a catalyst to broader DeFi adoption. Commenting on DOS’s initiatives to integrate with other blockchain ecosystems, such as Polkadot and Cosmos, Smith said that he and his team plan to work hand in hand to develop token standards and other technical resources with DOS as part of DOS’s interoperability journey.

Jerry Liu, DOS Network’s Director of Product, is equally excited about this partnership. “It makes perfect sense for DOS Network to collaborate closely with a partner whose DeFi vision aligns with ours, focusing on interoperability and trust.” Liu said. “The Bondly team has made the right choice with our future-proof, decentralized oracle service.” Liu also mentioned that DOS Network will be whitelisting Bondly as one of its preferred vendors, and both engineering teams have started liaising with each other to work out the technical implementation details.




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