Brian Dosal
Dosal Brothers
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2013


Fun Fridays — Dosal Brothers

One thing I’ve learned at BrightGauge and at our other companies is that everyone needs to have a little fun every once in a while to keep the mind fresh and energy strong. Waiting for vacations and holidays are a fine way to destress but I don’t think a few weeks a year or a day with the in laws can really recharge the batteries after many 40+ hour weeks.

At BrightGauge we try to have fun every day but on Friday’s we’re extra focused on pumping the breaks a bit on the team in order to ease into the weekends.

This Friday we’re doing our first “Hack Day” at BrightGauge which for software companies means letting the development team go crazy coming up with ideas/prototypes/mockups. Our team today can’t do any of their day to day work/ projects but simply work on any idea they think could be beneficial for our product or users. I’m excited to see what they come up with by Monday.

For me, my Fun Friday is going to revolve around getting my cracked iPhone 5 screen fixed after a great lunch. Sounds like a blast right?

Hope you’re implementing Fun Fridays for yourself or your team. You/They work hard!

