This content is too good not to share

Brian Dosal
Dosal Brothers
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2016

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a great summer and now gearing up for the fall and winter time. We certainly had a very busy summer with personal travel, home improvement projects, and managing some really fast growth at BrightGauge (ps — we’re hiring). My only regret is not keeping up with my writing but I have a feeling that will change for the rest of 2016!

Over the past week I came across two pieces of content which I really, really enjoyed and think readers here would enjoy as well. Don’t worry, neither is too long (12 min video and a short read). I felt compelled to share since they are on one of my favorite subjects, happiness and work! If you’re in the middle of your career like me, I think you’ll find the pieces refreshing and also give you something to reflect on while you’re “grinding it out” day in, day out at your work.

The first is a Ted talk from a while back on an expert on “happiness”. You may have seen it, but even if you have, watch it again. It’s a great refresher on the subject of positive thinking. Thanks Eric Dosal for the share…

The second is a recent article from the Atlantic which covers a really interesting phenomenon that is happening (vs. what was predicted by economists in the 50’s). Even though technology has helped us do more in one hour of work than we were able to do 50 years ago, it hasn’t meant that we spend less time working, it has actually motivated many of us to work more!!! What? Crazy! And the article goes on to talk about how it was predicted that the wealthiest of all would work less hours and have more leisure time whereas that has not been the case. The wealthiest seem to continue to work more and more hours… perhaps because there is fulfillment in the work. Ok, I’ve said too much, read on! Thanks David Small (in-house philosopher for BrightGauge) for the great share…

Hope you enjoy the content and it gives you pause for reflection on happiness, work, and if we’re all crazy (or not) to be working as hard as we are on the things we do daily. It’s a fascinating subject.

Happy Wednesday!

Originally published at on September 21, 2016.

