Who’s Daylan Burgess?

Daylan Burgess
Dose of Daylan
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2020

Everyone has a story. Here is mine. Welcome to my world.

Photo of Daylan Burgees. Shot by Josh Bowles (@visionztoreality)

Who’s Daylan Burgess?

That’s a question I ask myself often. More importantly, this is a question some of you are wondering. Some people know who I am. Most people do not — and that is okay. Some of my readers follow me on social media and talk to me in person, but some people still do not know who I am. Well, that changes today. It is time for you to get to know this twenty-two-year-old guy behind the keyboard.

First and foremost, I am a man of faith. I believe my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for my sins and I would do myself a disservice if I did not say this first. I would not be here if it was not for God’s grace, love, and mercy over my life. I am blessed to be in a position where I know myself, know my worth, and I know my purpose.

Next thing you all need to know is that I am a family man. I am a son, grandson, nephew, cousin, and a friend; and depending on who you ask, some people refer to me as their motivational speaker. Family is everything and they are a major reason why I do what I do.

From a personality standpoint, you can find me cracking “in the moment” jokes that are annoyingly funny or catch me jamming out to my favorite songs. For those who know me, you know I am a walking jukebox. I am ALWAYS singing. Now, whether I can ACTUALLY sing is another topic for another day (I’ll spare you your time and ears).

You can also refer to me as your favorite “air guitar rockstar” or a humble hustler who is living on purpose and living in peace. I use my platform to inspire, help people discover their greatness, and I strive to be the change I want to see in the world. We all have a voice and I want to use my influence for good.

Now, lets take a trip down memory lane and flashback to my elementary school days.

Back in the day, some of my teachers would describe me as a “smart kid who kept his classmates laughing.” I was known as the kid who would never shut up and had the loud voice.

“Your son is a great kid and he is tough as nails”, teachers would explain to my parents, “but he doesn’t know how to lower his voice. Daylan is too loud!”

To a certain degree, they were right. But you know what? Here’s the catch: I am still that eight-year-old kid who is not afraid to let his voice be heard. I am who I am and I am not ashamed of how God made me. He gave me this loud voice for a reason and I will use my voice to empower the voiceless, uplift, and save lives.

I have a story, I own my story, and I will tell my story.

Fast forward to junior year in college, One of my classmates voted me most likely to be famous. I’m not going to lie and say that I wouldn’t mind the fame and stardom but it’s all about doing things the right way. Once you get to know me, you can see the truth behind that statement. I am confident, driven from within, and one day, the world will know my name.

Whether you know me as a writer, a “motivational speaker”, model, social butterfly, or a friend, above all, I want to be known as someone you can trust, someone who has character, and integrity. These values were instilled in me at an early age and I live by these standards.

We all have a story and it is important that we share our truth. I hope I inspired someone to share their story because the world needs you. You need you. There are people waiting for you to be great. So be great! Aspire to inspire and be all that you can be.

We were put on this earth for a reason so spread love and treat everyday like it is your last.

My name is Daylan Burgess and this is my story.



Daylan Burgess
Dose of Daylan

Bringing you a dose of positive vibes and motivational content that‘ll help you live on purpose and live in peace.