10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

(But probably weren’t going to ask anyway)

Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder


Photo by Paico Oficial on Unsplash

Thanks to Linda Ng for tagging me in this different sort of About Me type article (you can read Linda’s article at the bottom of this piece!).

I’m actually kinda boring. Or I think so anyway. And my husband also sometimes reminds me of that too (mainly because I like to read books and he doesn’t, so he thinks that’s boring). Because I’m an introvert and a homebody and I…don’t really do much besides work, and spend time with my husband and dog. Very rarely do I actually do things with real people outside the four walls of my house that isn’t my husband or dog (or at work)! So coming up with 10 things about myself might be kinda difficult, just saying!

But without further ado, let’s get to it, shall we?

1. I have 3 tattoos and want about 30 more!

I have so many ideas I don’t know what to get next…I have a little meditation/yoga symbol, an owl (a memorial tattoo for my mom) and a dragon which was the first tattoo that I got at 25, because I’ve always loved dragons and fantasy books. I’m thinking my next tattoo will be a quote. But what quote…? (anyone have any favourite quotes that would be great tattoos? I’d love to hear them!). The one I keep going back to is from my fave poem…



Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦