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7 Things You Shouldn’t Say To Me

Please, please don’t

Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder
Published in
7 min readSep 4, 2021


Do you ever have people — sometimes strangers and sometimes people you know — say things to you that make you wonder: why on earth are you saying that? Do you hear yourself? I am so insulted/offended!

Are there some things people say that really push your buttons? Perhaps people are feeling like they’re being helpful, or showing interest, or trying to be supportive when they say some of these things, but really, they’re having the opposite effect and make me, a normally mild-mannered and kind person, really wish I knew more martial arts than just some Tai Chi from years ago.

Do you have things that people say to you that really irk you and make you wish that you were in one of the Marvel Avengers movies so you could just kick their a** for saying such stupid stuff? I know I do.

Here are 7 things that people shouldn’t say to me as a woman, as someone who is childfree by choice and as someone who has lost 5 family members in the last 5.5 years (including a fur baby).

As a Woman


Ugh. And Argh. And insert eyeroll here. I’m sure most women can relate to this. The whole ‘smile!’ or ‘cheer up!’. Just because I’m not inanely grinning from ear to ear doesn’t…



Caitlin McColl
Dose Of Wonder

Writer on mental health, grief & loss, mindfulness, running, life musings (+ fiction and poetry!). ❤️coffee & dogs. Vancouver 🇨🇦